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I agree (and voted).


Another thing that would help with rich text management would be being able to see the font names in the font menu rendered in the actual font.  An added bonus would be the ability to only show some fonts - not every font installed on the computer - in the menu.

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Agreed. After 18 months of learning / using vectoworks, this stands out by far as the biggest disappointment. Makes it look like my drawings look like they were formatted by a first year intern. 


Don't get me started on database spellcheck (different list, I know). 


Still... the learning curve was steep, but I'm happy I made the investment. 

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Here are a few I missed:


Bullets, Indents, lists


This one is a great, previous roundup asking for better typographic controls across the board in Vectorworks. Also covers some additional missing features


  • Active spell check (and better spell check in general)
  • Visual font menu (see image below)

While not literally rich text, the features here accompany rich text in most applications


Active Spell Check:












Visual Font Menu:


Edited by trashcan
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as former Mediadesigner for print-products i worked with InDesign, QuarkXpress and lots oft

other DTP software.


I can say yes to all written above!


VW should invest time and money to overhaul the text features.


For sure, VW isn't made for DTP, but at least we need some standards,

like some other software offers.


See an get inspired with: MS Word, InDesign, Affinity, …


/ / / 


I would like to have a better text-styles!


The settings for text alignment (if you do a custom change to it)

gets always overwritten, if you change the text style.


I would like to have options for "from style" and "not from style",

for these text alignments, like most all other styles in VW have!


Best would be, to have the "from style" and "not from style" options

for all settings in text styles!





/ / / 


What i don't like in most of software is the long list of unneeded fonts.

But this is more a problem of the operating system (OS).


There are a lot of fonts you can't unload, because some

tiny whatever-app, i never ever use, needs OS wise. 


Why can't we (only) hide per app, which fonts we want to see

and which not!?


Mostly i use not more then 5 different fonts for all the work i do,

whatever, i get forced to have 100 in my list (i never count them).


I don't know how many time i wasted in my life scrolling long font lists

to find my wanted fonts (i know theres a search feature, but i say:

less it more!).


/ / / 


For standard fonts-lists (menu) please make it possible to recognize font-families,

this would downsize list-length a lot!


Greetings from Germany


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Just came on to search for better text editing functionality and stumbled on this; an essential upgrade!


The thing I would find most useful here is more control over text when making annotation lists / key lists. I know there are tools for smart associations, but often for whatever reason these aren't customisable enough or suitable, so we end up writing key notes and callout lists in text boxes. Being able to create lists with automatic numbering, and more control over line spacing between numbered items would be amazing (i.e. line and a half spacing after each item in numbered list).

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