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Mouse button being disabled


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I have moved this from my originall thread with font problems.

I am running G4, Vectorworks Arch. 11.0, Logitech Trackman wheel.

Right mouse button becomes disabled after an unknown command or sequence of commands. At first I thought that it was because of a font but now that is not true because I was editing a group and that disabled the pull down on the mouse. Something is conflicting with the right mouse button or the Architect workspace. It is frustrating because you don't know when this is going to take place.

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Thanks for the heads up. Being a newly converted AutoCad user I am reliant on the right button to run the program. I understand that people who have used the program for a while don't use the right button that often. I hope that since this has been around for a while they will make the changes to correct this.

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  • 1 month later...

The problem with the mouse button being disabled is the Caps Lock button. Once you enter text in upper case and you leave the caps lock on it will disable the right button but if you turn off the caps lock then it will turn that function back on. that is bizzare but glad to find a simple fix to this. So just turn off your caps lock and your okay.

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