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How to get rid of patterns?

Ramon PG

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Total guess here, but looks like some kind of shadow effect which a hi res screen would easily blend into surrounds, but a 200dpi pdf would present as discrete bits or lines or swirls?  Is this unique to this drawing file, or every pdf from rendered pdf from any file?


Some things to try:

Paste one or two elements into a new blank drawing and render and output to pdf just to see any differences to project file.  Might inform next step. Post the test file here, too, if possible.  Do some Custom Renderworks trials.  Settings default to low, but adjust/pdf. Adjust again if things change.


Try output to higher res pdf - 300? 360? 600?


Increase or otherwise adjust shadow settings for the render mode?


Check the View menu> Lighting Options.  Toggle Ambient Occlusion off to see any difference, or adjust the parameters.



Different ideas (long shot) -

Are there coincident copies of the patterned surfaces?

Either as duplicates on same layer, or on other visible layers?


Problem from texture scale or material settings?

Edges of concrete all have the patterns, and other light colored surfaces.

Test via temporarily disable textures in render options and output a pdf.


Tree image props seem to cause broader areas of the patterning on surfaces behind the tree canopy.

Some render condition through the transparency mask?


Pattern looks like the hatch for CIP concrete, but at big scale, and only near the edges, and it should not show in 3d. dunno.


OK, good luck tracking this down.  Post what's working or not.





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This looks a bit like a problem I have been seeing in VW2021.


I get similar effects in OpenGL sometimes and a way to provoke it seems to be to set perspective to "narrow" and then zoom away from the model somewhat.


For example here's the same bit of a model, with the camera viewpoint a bit closer/further. Where it's further, you can see these kinds of patterns creeping in.


This is on screen rather than in a PDF.


The pattern usually seems to be a a kind of hatch effect but if you look carefully you can see it is divided into square portions.



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34 minutes ago, Ramon PG said:


Do you also have a background photo? I have a Google Earth pic as a RW texture attached to a floor object (to get reflected shadows from the 3D objects)

No - no background photo. All the objects do have a renderworks texture, which I have visible in my OpenGL views. Turning off "use texture" doesn't get rid of the patterns but I see (checking just now) that turning off "draw edges" does get rid of them.


Looks like you have "draw edges" on?

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1 hour ago, line-weight said:

No - no background photo. All the objects do have a renderworks texture, which I have visible in my OpenGL views. Turning off "use texture" doesn't get rid of the patterns but I see (checking just now) that turning off "draw edges" does get rid of them.


Looks like you have "draw edges" on?


I think I discovered my issue...  I draw on a Mac but as I don't have access yet to the office printers I need to move the PDF to a PC and print from there. The "Save as PDF" command in Mac makes perfectly looking file for a Mac but when transferred to the PC (running Windows 10) it shows the pattern no matter if the viewport was rendered with Open GL or RWs. It occurred to me to do a PDF Export or a Publish directly from VW 2021 and the pattern doesn't show anymore in the PC PDFs. Maybe this should be forwarded to Apple but I don't have a clue as to how.

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On 9/15/2021 at 10:19 AM, jblock said:

@Ramon PGThis looks similar to what can happen if you have objects located very far away from the internal origin or the rest of your drawing. If you send me a DM with a copy of the file, I can take a look.



It is a 500 mb file. Patterns will shown on screen for a split second and then disappear. When I make a PDF with the Finder "Save as PDF" the PDF file will print the patterns when printed from a PC. I have not tried printing from my Mac bc I cannot print to the office printer yet. The patterns will not print when the PDF is made with Vectorworks instead of the Mac Fonder.


What is a DM?

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