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SetTexMapReal Updating Values But Texture Not Changing


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I'm trying to write a script which updates the texture mapping offsets using SetTexMapReal but am having a little trouble... After running the script the OIP correctly shows the new offsets but when you view the object the texture hasn't moved to reflect the new values. Any idea what I am doing wrong?




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13 minutes ago, klinzey said:

Try ResetOject()

Nope. didnt work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong in my code...


Procedure SetMapping;

	Procedure SetOffset(h :HANDLE);
Run (SetMapping);


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  • 2 years later...

Has anyone found a way to update texture mapping settings. Tried all of above to no avail. Alternatively is there a way to invoke the "Update" button on the "Render" tab.


Looks like "ExtrudeAlongPath" call sets Mapping type to "Perimeter" which has now changed (at VW 2022) to "Surface UV" when using "Extrude Along Path" menu command.


I am thinking of using "auto align plane" and "follow longest edge" set using


SetTexMapIntN(fsactlayer,3,0,1,0); {Plane}

SetTexMapBoolN(fsactlayer,3,0,7,True); {auto align}
SetTexMapBoolN(fsactlayer,3,0,5,True); {long edge}


but have no way to invoke update.


I note GetTexMapIntN(fsactlayer,3,0,1) returns 0 for both "Plane" and "Auto Align Plane" options.


It would be nice if we could have an updated "ExtrudeAlongPath" call to handle all the options available in the "Extrude Along Path" menu command.


I know we can use (from Marionette)

        eap = vs.CreateCustomObjectPath('Extrude Along Path', path, profile)
        vs.SetObjectVariableBoolean(eap, 1167, True)
        vs.SetRField(eap, 'Extrude Along Path', 'Fix Profile', 'No')


but had problems in the past using this method.

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This is something I have been dealing with as well.  I have a script which runs through a series of objects and offsets the X and Y of the texture to more randomize multiple identical objects with the same texture.  But, they do not update unless I move the objects.

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Thanks for reminding me. Just a note for others, for event enabled plugins, presumably the plugin option "Reset on Move" will need to be set.


I haven't tried but I wonder if "PrepRelatedObjectForChange" might work but I doubt it. Generally, I have never successfully used this call (amongst a few other calls)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good day @SamIWas and @BillW,


unfortunately, i don’t have a script on hand that quickly changes the textures of objects so i can test it. I would appreciate it if you could provide a test file for me.

Recently, i was able to automatically update a Marionette with ResetObject (see post).

I can’t say if this also applies to a texture changed by the script.

There was also a post where the author updated with python the normal faces with ReDraw after making changes.

Maybe this will help you a bit further.

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