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Processing resource lists


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For processing resource lists, has anyone tried using the procedures begining with "ResList_"


ie  PROCEDURE   ResList_Init( uniqueID:STRING; objectType:INTEGER) ;


I'm trying to figure out where I can get a control's "UniqueID" say for a reference to a "CreateThumbnailPopup( dialog, ksymbolpop);" in a scripted dialog. Controls are normally referenced by number. I'm wondering if the "ResList_" procedures relate to only controls shown in the object info palette for PIO's.


I have a working dialog version using "symID  := BuildResourceList(16,0,'',numSyms);" but was wondering if there is a better way.


See the old school method shown in a prototype scripted dialog below



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I don't think I understand your question. I don't think any of the ResList (or ResourceList) items have anything to do with dialog box parts.


Resource List are for finding objects that are in the Resource Manager of either the active file, or library files.


To handle dialog boxes the functionality is similar in that you get an ID number for each "control", but it is not a "resource".


Or maybe I am completely off base and wrong. 😉

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That's what I was trying to establish - that "ResList_" procedures were not applicable to dialog boxes - however see below. So if they relate to the Resource Manager where does the uniqueID:STRING come from - or is the uniqueID set from a call to "ResList_Init"


There is a call

 ResList_DlgInit( uniqueID:STRING; dlgID:INTEGER; ctrlID:INTEGER) ;


which says

Use this call during dialog initialization to associate a popup control or resource popup and initialized by the ResList_* calls of the uniqueID identifying the resource list data.


The problem is there are no examples in the "Script Function Reference"


Thanks anyway.

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Just a note - I found out how to use uniqueID - see below. I just need to investigate further.


procedure test;
  itemName : STRING;
  onlyCurrentDocument,searchOnline, skipCurrentDocument : BOOLEAN;

(* with settings
Top level symbols

Symbol folder Folder-1

Symbols in order of creation

  fID := CreateUUID;
  ResList_Init(fID, 16);
  ResList_ActFolder(fID,'Folder-1'); {returns Symbol-3 in ResList_SelFAvail}

  {first available item in the resource popup}
  message(itemname,' ',onlyCurrentDocument,' ',searchOnline,' ',skipCurrentDocument);


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A follow up. I've got a dialog working using "ResList_" functions/procedures - see attached.


The only drawback is the selected folder includes symbols in that folder and all symbols in any nested folders which may be what you want. In the example in the first post I only display symbols in the selected folder and ignore nested folders.


I was hoping to use ResList_Filter( uniqueID:STRING; callback:PROCEDURE) ; to show only symbols in the selected folder. I have established that the callback is a function which I thought would be of the form:

function chksyms(symH : HANDLE) : BOOLEAN;
  foldH : HANDLE;
  foldH  := getobject(foldname);
  chksyms := (getparent(symH) = foldH);



Unfortunately this doesnt seem to work. Anyone have any ideas on the form of the callback?

Using ResList procedures/functions certainly make the code much simpler.


Edited by BillW
code typo
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Thanks to Kostadin Ivanov - "The problem is that at the moment  the function ResList_ActFolder and ResList_Filter cannot be used in one script. use only ResList_Filter"

The previous reslist version has been modified to be equivalent to the first version "setactivesymbol.txt" and uses the resource browser interface. It refers to symbols in the active document.


Alternatively use ResList_ActFolder if you are happy to display symbols in the specified folder and all symbols in any nested symbol folders.

The root folder is ResList_ActFolder(fID,'')

setactivesymbol_reslist v2.TXT

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