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VW 2020 export to 2010

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I would ask the VW Support.




It is not easy and maybe not very reliable in file quality.

I see my VW 2021 goes back until importing VW 2016.

Your VW 2020 maybe until VW 2015.


Not sure if it will be more reliable if you export each time

only one year back or in larger junks. But you would need

to install (at least ?) VW 2015 to get back to VW 2010.


Depending on your OS, on Mac it may not even possible to

install a 5 year old VW version. On Windows it may still work.

If you are a Select Service Member or did certain upgrades,

you may still have your old Serials.



But if you want to collaborate with a VW 2010 user, it may be

difficult. For a one-time conversion, VW Support may be willing

to help.

So, depending on which Data, other Exchange Formats like

DWG, for 2D or reasonably simple 3D may be an option too.

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