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why do lines disappear up close?


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why does it happen on VW 9.5.3 with OSX.2.3 on a G4 with plenty of memory that when i zoom in close on some of my drawings the lines disappear, making it next to imposssible to edit them or work on them?

the file sizes are not too large, anything from 2 to 5 megs. there has to be a way to deal with this or else the programme becomes unusable for anything more deatiled than a standard house layout.

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It's probably due to the video card you have in the machine.

The video card and driver may not be able to fully calculate how to draw that type of object, thus not drawing anything at all.

This seems to happen more so on Macs than PCs. In fact, I don't know that I've seen it on a PC.

You can go to the manufacturer website to see if there is a driver update for your video card.

Depending on what type of card you have, the drivers may be built into the OS.

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OK, I ran a little test. In a 1:1 layer, I made two random polygons each with bounding boxes of approximately 500 million feet X and Y and line thickness of 1 mil (1/1000"). I then zoomed in on them. In VWA 9.5.3, I was unable to make them disappear. I was able to zoom in on them until the zoom indicator read 100 billion percent. The lines totally obscured the screen (I had the scale lineweights option on) at about 1.5 million percent. So I guess you could say I was unable to replicate your problem. I recommend you send to bugsubmit@nemetschek.net a copy of your file along with the description of the problem you are having.

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I have had the same problem for years. Depending on the zoom, lines will disappear.

I looked for the "Scale Lineweights Option". I cannot find it. Where is this? The next time I have this problem I will try turning that option on or off to see if it makes a difference.

Of course Katie's observation about video cards may be the answer too.

Thank you both.

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