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Why are my Redlines black?

Mat Caird

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Being a relatively new user, I cannot work out why my Redlines (created with the redline tool) are black on the screen. I can't change 'em either.

Note that other objects are colored correctly.

Also, why do PIO's created from the Objects Pallette not go into an appropriate class - eg, windows should surely go into the Window-Main class???

And why, when I create a new wall time, and "assign to existing class", do they not go into the existing class I have assigned 'em.


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Check the class called Redlines and make sure the pen is set to red. If it is set to Black, that would explain why your redlines are showing as black.

As for PIO's going into classes --

What PIO are you specifically talking about that is not going into a class?

Some PIO's don't have an assigned class. You can assign them a class thru the Create Plug in Object command under the Organize>Scripts menu option.

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Thanks for your reply Katie

Yes the redlines class line is set to red.

If I select the redline object, the attributes pallette shows pen as "class style", and the color swatch is red - yet the object is definitley black...Any further ideas? - Note that there are other colored lines on the drawing.

I used your suggestion to class the PIO objects, and it is absolutely perfect of course. I set the door PIO to class Door-Main, and the Window PIO to class Window-Main (VWA10 - I woulda thought this would be done by NNA as part of the architect industry series??).

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My guess is, your redlines are black because the "Use Graphic Attributes" option on your None class is turned on. (We discovered that there's a minor bug, which will be fixed in the next maintenance release, that certain of the setup commands set this option on.) Open up your Classes dialog, scroll to the None class, open it, uncheck the "Use at Creation" checkbox, and now your Redlines should draw in red.

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