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Redline text font and pt size


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The Viewer is a write-disabled version of VW. You're in effect asking for it to write files, but only files that have certain modifications (i.e., redline changes only).

There's a significant amount of engineering required to accomplish such a task: You'd have to cache the "old" file somewhere (for comparison), scan it and compare it to the present file, confirm that the only changes are the additions or deletions of redline objects, and if so, write it.

Some of these technologies (e.g. the caching or "history" of an entire image of the file) don't exist yet in VectorWorks. I guess that if this were a top-10 wish item, we'd be looking at it, but as far as I know, it's not a hotly requested item.

As far as I know, remote redlining can be done at the present time using PDFs and Adobe Distiller, which also provides some other nice features (e.g. electronic signatores, etc.).

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I plot my drawings in black and white on a color plotter. Is there a way to allow the redlines to plot in red? I have my document preference set to black and white.

This would make the redlines much more effective. Righ now I am considering plotting and then taking a red pen to the plots.

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