shorter Posted February 13, 2021 Share Posted February 13, 2021 The NBS team have just announced an update to their Uniclass tables. The updated tables can be found here As part of our ongoing preparation of Vectorworks resources for our clients and customers, we have just updated the BS1192/ISO19650 compatible class library previously issued, namely Uniclass Table EF to v1.8 and attach it for your information and comment. All amendments and revisions to classes are noted in Red. The NBS team have not deprecated any classes in this latest update, but we will note these in grey when the time comes. There is a 'Read Me' class also in the file, to identify the version of the table, along with commonly used filters as previously discussed. Uniclass Table Ss is currently in preparation, and can be emailed on request. The attached table is v2020. It was felt that issuing v2020 and letting you convert to v2021 did not pose any major technical issues. As before classes are prefixed with the Discipline code 'A-'. Use the Batch Rename command to change this code. If you would like any other tables in any other version of Vectorworks; need help uploading to, or configuring your workgroup folder; or would like be included on our mailing list, please do not hesitate to contact us via the forum. Regards Steven Shorter BA(Hons) DiplArch(pcl) Architect Classes-BS1192-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-8-2020.vwx 1 Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted March 26, 2021 Author Share Posted March 26, 2021 Hello Thought I would share with you two new class libraries for use on your Vectorworks BIM projects, or just if you would like to adopt industry standard class naming. Attached are: Uniclass Table Zz v1.0 and Uniclass Table Ss v1.21 Due to the sheer quantity of possible classes in the Ss table, I have decided to issue them in sections, or rather by group. The Uniclass system comprises four sets of numbers. These correspond to Group, Sub-Group, Section, and Object. The Ss classes attached are limited to Group and Sub-group, e.g. A-Ss_25_30-M_DoorWindow Further libraries are in preparation. In the meantime, let me know if you would like any more libraries, or classes. Regards Steven Shorter, architect Classes-BS1192-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-21-GroupSubGroup-2020.vwx Classes-BS1192-Uniclass2015-Zz-v1-0-2020.vwx 2 Quote Link to comment
ColinW Posted March 26, 2021 Share Posted March 26, 2021 Thanks Steven, excellent work! Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted June 4, 2021 Author Share Posted June 4, 2021 Good morning The NBS Uniclass Team has recently released some updates to the Uniclass 2015 tables. The Uniclass 2015 classification system can be found in the new NBS Chorus plugin for Vectorworks which I recommend you take time to review as it really is rather good. Having started this endeavour and promised the occassional update, please find attached the latest rebranded set of class libraries aimed at the UK market and those markets intending to adopt UK CAD and BIM Standards. We have stopped referring to BS1192, since it is now defunct, and now refer to it's replacement, ISO19650, even though all classes have been drafted in accordance with ISO19650 using BS1192 naming conventions! Install the class libraries in your practice workgroup folder. EF Elements and Functions 1.9 Pr Products (Group and Sub-Group) 1.22 Pr Products (Group, Sub-Group and Section) 1.22 Ss Systems (Group and Sub-Group) 1.22 (note there are no changes to these classes) Ss Systems (Group, Sub-Group and Section) 1.22 and Zz Annotation 1.0 All files are issued in Vectorworks 2021 file format. Please get in touch if you would like an earlier version. We are currently preparing an addendum to the Zz table to include the additional codes devised by the AEC UK CAD Standards team back in 2015, since the Uniclass 2015 table Zz is missing a number of critical non-building element 'annotation' classes, such as 'Areas' and in particular 'GEA', 'GIA', and 'NIA'. Please note that the class libraries attached are intended to replace the 'AEC UK CAD Standard' libraries that have shipped with Vectorworks since 2016. Vectorworks 2019 introduced class and layer filtering. As a consequence, the use of the - (hyphen) to act as a separator and to make use of the hierarchical menu system is redundant and we can now adopt BS1192/ISO19650 naming conventions verbatim. Filters are included in the class libraries to help make navigation easier. As always, if you have questions about the class libraries, workgroup folders, class and layer filters, or Vectorworks CAD and BIM Standards compliance in general, please get in touch. The above does not obviate the need to correctly classify your BIM objects and components correctly via data entry and asset tagging, but will hopefully go some way to ensure your 'Layer' naming convention is compliant. Regards Steven Shorter BA Hons DiplArch(pcl) ARB Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Pr-v1-22-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Pr-v1-22-GroupSubGroupSection-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-9-Complete-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-22-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Zz-v1-0-Complete-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-22-GroupSubGroupSection-2021.vwx 2 Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted December 7, 2021 Author Share Posted December 7, 2021 Good morning Apologies for the delay in issuing the attached, but here is the latest EF table of classes, v1_10. Revisions were made in July 2021, and no further revisions announced in October. Classes for October's issue of table Ss v1-24 and PR v1_24 to follow, hopefully in time for Christmas. Furthermore, I attach csv files for tables Ss and Pr for you to add to and update your 'Classifications'. Classifications appear in the Material Classification Standards lookup tables, and if used intelligently can also automatically generate the description you use in the Embodied Carbon Calculator. You will need to change the file extention of the attached Uniclass tables to .csv, since I cannot upload .csv files, and then save them in the Classifications folder in your workgroup default libraries folder in 'Libraries' > 'Defaults' > 'Classifications'. Regards Steven Shorter BA Hons DiplArch(pcl) ARB Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-10-Complete-2021.vwx Uniclass2015_Pr_v1_24.txt Uniclass2015_Ss_v1_24.txt Uniclass2015_EF_v1_10_Revisions.pdf 1 Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted December 7, 2021 Author Share Posted December 7, 2021 Surprised that there have only been 5 downloads of the class libraries issued on 4 June. Quote Link to comment
ColinW Posted December 7, 2021 Share Posted December 7, 2021 It is surprising, I have found them really helpful. Thank you! Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted February 15, 2022 Author Share Posted February 15, 2022 (edited) Hello. A belated Happy New Year. Here is a link to the January update of the ISO19650 class libraries. and just for fun, the ISO13567 equivalent. (in abeyance) Both libraries use Uniclass 2015 tables and are correct to the January 2022 amendments. Note that table Zz has been expanded by the Uniclass team. We will review the additional classes against the AEC UK Annotation classes in due course. The annotation classes use 'P' rather than 'M' but these should be amended to suit with 'D' and 'T' etc as you see fit. Regards Steven Edited February 15, 2022 by shorter 1 Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted February 15, 2022 Author Share Posted February 15, 2022 Have to make some small amendments to the ISO13567 set of classes. Watch this space. Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted February 22, 2022 Author Share Posted February 22, 2022 iSO 19650 does not refer to layer naming conventions as such. It says go and look at ISO13567. you will often find BEPs still refer to BS1192 layer naming hence the need to still refer to it in these libraries just case in case of any doubt since it is still requested and because ISO 19650 is not a layer naming standard in and of itself. bS1192 layer naming is what it is despite it being defunct. Ditto CiSfb. Been defunct for decades and yet still used. the alternative layer naming referenced within ISO19650 is ISO13567 and we are about to release these libraries too. Then you are covered for all eventualities. Quote Link to comment
Amy JS Posted May 5, 2022 Share Posted May 5, 2022 Hi Steven, Please can you share the latest SO13567 set of classes? I tried the dropbox link above but it's no longer working. Thanks a lot. Amy Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted May 19, 2022 Author Share Posted May 19, 2022 Apologies Amy just seen your post. I will upload them again later today. regards steven Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted June 30, 2022 Author Share Posted June 30, 2022 Hello again. I am pleased to offer for your delectation updated Class Libraries in both BS1192 and ISO13567 convention for Uniclass 2015 tables, revised April 2022 EF Ss Pr Zz Due to the sheer number of classes I would recommend you do not add every class to your file, but save these in the Default Standards folder in your practice workgroup folder, and use as required. The BS1192 files include the same filters as before, but please do let me know if you have any comments or requests. It is virtually impossible to adequately filter classes named in accordance with ISO13567 so we have not done so. The libraries are offered as 2021 files, so please convert to 2022 prior to use. And remember to use the Batch Rename command to modify with your originator/role code. Regards Steven Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-11-Complete-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Pr-v1-26-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Zz-v1-1-Complete-2021.vwx Classes-ISO13567-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-11-Complete-2021.vwx Classes-ISO13567-Uniclass2015-Pr-v1-26-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-ISO13567-Uniclass2015-Zz-v1-1-Complete-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Pr-v1-26-GroupSubGroupSection-2021.vwx Classes-ISO13567-Uniclass2015-Pr-v1-26-GroupSubGroupSection-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-26-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-ISO13567-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-26-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-ISO19650-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-26-GroupSubGroupSection-2021.vwx Classes-ISO13567-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-26-GroupSubGroupSection-2021.vwx 3 Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted August 16, 2022 Author Share Posted August 16, 2022 Hello I am intrigued... Thus far there have been 6 downloads max. of these files. It would be interesting to get some feedback. Do you not need these classes? Do you not have to comply with the standards provided by these files? Do you not trust the files? Do you need them but not like using them? Do you have another way to comply with standards? Do you need a different standard? Are you already using my AEC standard class libraries that have been shipping with Vectorworks since 2016? Candid questions, so happy to field candid answers. Quote Link to comment
Eugenia Posted September 21, 2022 Share Posted September 21, 2022 Hi there, We use the AEC standard libraries at the moment, however, I was hoping to update it and use the most recent Uniclass classes. The main problem I've encountered with the files you shared is that once I try to use them, their names won't separate into groups of classes because of how they're named (with '_' instead of '-') Making it more difficult to look for certain classes and keep the file organised. That said, I appreciate the work you put into creating those files, so thank you. I've ended up, adding some of the new classes manually into our template with the old AEC 2015 library (such as the line thicknesses, which I thought useful) Thanks! Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted September 21, 2022 Author Share Posted September 21, 2022 (edited) They contain the _ because that is the convention defined by the old BS1192 convention and they are compliant with that convention. however like many conventions dreamt up by people who have never used vectorworks… the implementation is not very vectorworks user friendly. i agree the AEC class libraries were better in that they make better use of the software and that’s how I introduced them but they are not, unfortunately, compliant. the ISO13567 set are even worse from that point of view. TBH I would not use the ‘grouping’ as you call it; the hierarchical display, but use filters instead. Far more flexible and user friendly. Use tags and you can ‘collect’ classes into your own ‘groups’ and not have to use the hierarchical at all. the classes are offered as found. we will publish mapping tables in due course to map from one class system to another and would generally encourage everyone to adopt this approach. however, if you need or feel you need compliant classes then the libraries are offered to help in that endeavour. i often find it interesting how ‘standards’ are corrupted because they ‘don’t work for me’ or ‘aren’t how we did it in my last practice’. For example, most of the current videos published by Vectorworks show files that are not compliant to any known industry standard. You cannot escape the fact that at some point you may have to demonstrate compliance and if you use the AEC classes I originally supplied without mapping you won’t be compliant unless you have a mapping table to convert from AEC to BS1192 or ISO13567 of course. Edited September 21, 2022 by shorter Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted September 21, 2022 Author Share Posted September 21, 2022 (edited) ps would an updated set of AEC classes be useful, I.e. updated to current uniclass 2015 but using the AEC convention along with mapping tables for conversion to BS1192 or ISO19650? You can also use the fantastic batch rename command to remove the _ and replace with a -. we have had requests for CiSfb based ISO13567 classes as well as Uniformat classes. Edited September 21, 2022 by shorter Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted September 22, 2022 Author Share Posted September 22, 2022 Not so much an update to the Uniclass 2015 tables (that's on it's way) but just to round the circle, here are updated class libraries in the AEC UK CAD Standards convention that we originally released to Vectorworks, Inc. in the 2016 release cycle. For those unfamiliar with the AEC UK CAD Standards, it was originally a Bentley user group, I believe, that strove to 'make CAD standards useable', because the then BS1192 convention, along with ISO13567, weren't and in many minds, still aren't. As CAD manager at the time to a Stirling prize winning Architectural practice (check out my linkedin page to find out who) we were obliged to adopt the AEC CAD Standards Layer Naming convention on a project for a 'major British multinational retailer', and not just any 'major British multinational retailer'... so we set to configuring a Vectorworks system using the AEC layer naming convention, along with other conventions subsequently superseded by BS1192 and ISO19650. The AEC UK CAD Standards committee, of which I am the Vectorworks sub-committee chair, albeit a lazy one, were influential in the BS1192 layer naming standard we have all come to love and hate in equal measure. (Which reminds me @Martyn Horne we must resurrect the Vectorworks AEC BIM Standards manual. It's about time. It's 10 years old!). Anyway @Eugenia I hope you and any one using the AEC variant of my class libraries find the attached useful. I have also updated the filters too. Classes-AEC-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-11-Complete-2021.vwx Classes-AEC-Uniclass2015-Pr-v1-26-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-AEC-Uniclass2015-Ss-v1-26-GroupSubGroup-2021.vwx Classes-AEC-Uniclass2015-Zz-v1-1-Complete-2021.vwx 2 Quote Link to comment
1608chris Posted April 25, 2023 Share Posted April 25, 2023 Just a quick note of thanks for the tables. Very useful as it's tedious having to format them for inclusion each and every time. Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted April 26, 2023 Author Share Posted April 26, 2023 Thanks. They are due an update soon. Quote Link to comment
1608chris Posted April 26, 2023 Share Posted April 26, 2023 Quick question related to use of the software, but do you use these to populate the Vectorworks Naming Standard Details? This is a feature that's only just come to my attention and I'm surprised that Vectorworks UK haven't included their own table of UK standards. Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted April 26, 2023 Author Share Posted April 26, 2023 IIRC the naming standards worksheets only allow a limited number of classes. We use mapping tables and either map the classes via the DWG export settings or using Class and Layer Mapping, although neither are totally foolproof. Quote Link to comment
Proinsias14 Posted July 27, 2023 Share Posted July 27, 2023 Hi Steven, I'm a fairly new user with regards to BIM on VW and trying to get to grips with it. Stumbled across this discussion, really very interesting stuff, with clearly a lot of work gone into the files you have shared. I notice that your post from September 2022 has updated class files that use the (-) instead of the (_) as per previous posts. Can you clarify in your opinion if we should (in accordance with BS & ISO stanfdards) use (_) or use the more VW user friendly (-) as per the vectorworks section of this document (2018) for our classes, or is it a personal choice? Is a batch rename to remove the hyphens before a model is shared with a team best practice then? Frank Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted July 27, 2023 Author Share Posted July 27, 2023 (edited) hello, @Proinsias14 back in 2016, i think, when we first issued the class libraries to vectorworks for inclusion in the standard install, we adopted the aec cad standards ethos 'to make standards useable', we opted for the - (hypen) in order to make use of the hierarchical menu in vectorworks class lists and make navigation a bit easier because at that time there was still no filtering, unbelievably... we also adopted the hyphen to standardise it's use, and avoid confusion, i.e. should we use the hyphen or the underscore. the hyphen is a separator, therefore... let it separate. this was very much under the guise of the aec cad standards definition and was not intended to be fully BS1192 compliant (you could argue that at the time nothing the aec cad standards did was fully compliant). it was a software specific implementation utilising software specific functionality. some argued that the 'code' was not EF-25-10, but EF_25_10, but we have also seen it written EF2510. A-EF-25-10-M-Wall A-EF_25_10-M_Wall A-EF2510-M_Wall etc however, with the introduction of filtering in vectorworks 2019, the hyphen became slightly academic, and we can now set up fully compliant class systems in whatever flavour is the flavour of the month. classes and dwg layer naming are rarely show-stoppers on a bim project, unless you get a really pedantic bim manager. if you are asked to comply with the old BS1192 convention today but ISO13567 tomorrow, what do you do? it is impossible to choose the 'right' convention because even within these conventions there are variations. i saw a bim manager insist on iso13567 the other day but using bs1192 codes, so 'M' rather than 'E', and a hyphen before the M, so effectively BS1192, with the underscore missing from the uniclass code as per no. 3 above. Sacrilege! and then there are variants within each. there is a version of bs1192 where rather than appending 'FWD' to the end of the class name (bs1192 v1) there is the use of 'MF' in the name instead (bs1192 v2). A-EF_25_10-MF_Wall the problem with standards is that they very rarely are standard. witness the guidance notes for iso19650 UK National Annexe 2021... which offers three different ways of naming files and concludes that it is only guidance and that project teams should set their own standards within the framework established by ISO19650-2. "the flexibility in the National Annex is designed to accommodate the information container breakdown structure across the whole project, it follows that the project’s information standard needs to evolve to capture the agreed considerations of the various delivery teams and stakeholders involved in the project." "A short note about the standard codes ZZ and XX. The National Annex identifies that these standard codes can be used to indicate that multiple subdivisions apply (ZZ) or no subdivisions apply (XX). For many projects though, it is likely, that the Functional Breakdown field and the Spatial Breakdown field will need to indicate more detailed information for the unique ID to be used beneficially. The guidance that follows provides explanation and examples as to why and how project specific codes might be developed, so that the standard codes ZZ and XX are only used where appropriate. The new names of Functional Breakdown and Spatial Breakdown have been chosen to provide a broad approach when breaking down and naming information containers." so, in short, do what you like, as long as you stick to the fields given in iso19650-2 UK NA 2021, and everyone agrees. ultimately your class naming system should suit the way you work, and i recommend using mapping tables to map from your classes to whatever the flavour of the month is, and spend time managing your cad system, or employing the services of a cad/bim consultant to help you manage your cad system... hint, hint... 😉 you could, for example, have 10 non-compliant classes all related to 'walls'. the mapping table could map them all to one compliant class on export and you would be technically 'compliant'. we of course have mapping tables that will map from aec to bs, and bs to iso, and back again. the most important thing is that if you have a class naming standard that you use it well and reliably. no amount of mapping will fix incorrect class usage. ditto, just because you put everything (doors, windows, walls) into a single compliant class, does not mean you are compliant. compliance is just as much about the correct assignment of object to class as the name of the class itself. hope that helps. Edited July 27, 2023 by shorter Quote Link to comment
shorter Posted August 1, 2023 Author Share Posted August 1, 2023 (edited) News Flash! Uniclass 2015 has just been updated. "We've been working with the Ministry of Justice on classifications for the ‘Complexes’ and ‘Spaces/ locations’ tables to improve the content for the prison estate. We've also worked on information requirements in the ‘Project management’ table." "The ‘Roles table’ has been updated to remove the letters originally included to match the National Annex to ISO 19650-2, and to add codes to align with BS 8644-1." As far as my original class libraries are concern, since April 2023, the following codes (amongst others) have been deleted: Ss_70_95 Temporary electrical systems Ss_75_95 Temporary communications, security, safety, control and protection systems Ss_80_95 Temporary transport systems Ss_85_95 Temporary process engineering systems And the following should be added, although I think I might leave it for now... Ss_85_30_58_25 Dust and odour suppression systems unless anyone feels passionately about Dust and Odour Suppression Systems as a class. Edited August 1, 2023 by shorter Quote Link to comment
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