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custom socket label


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Hello @Conrad Preen,


for example you can chooase betwenn skt_txt_vif_, skt_txt_vda_, skt_txt_tp_. For these types exist the socket labeling symbols for example skt_txt_vda_L etc. I like to add another socket type symol skt_txt_user1_ with the sockelt lableing symbols skt_txt_user_L etc.


I understand the system, I choose the type and connectCAD is taking the labeling symbol L,R,T,B,X but it only takes the symbol types which are given. 


At the end it would be also great to have the same for the devices, so that I can choose between dev_label_center and dav_label_center_it


regards Jens

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Thanks Jens


Believe me I would be happy to extend the customisation capabilities of sockets, but I don't want to lead you to places that in the future may not be supported. So please bear with me on this. Regarding device labels check this thread





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