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Problems plotting to HP 450C designjet plotter

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I have to use a HP 450C plotter to plot VWA files. If I am using VWA9 with a file developed from scratch -the machine seems to plot fine.

However - legacy files, those which I have passed through MiniCAD (v1.9x!) through succeeding iterations until VW8.x - plotted fine as long as it was a 8.x file. We're talking Windows 98 here folks. Now, I have converted the file one more time into VWA 9 and it no longer plots! The results are that it appears to plot only one layer. the layer plotted is not the top, nor the bottom nor the active layer. Each different file plotted has a different layer plotted. All other layers do not exist. Checking other sources and HP troubleshooting suggests using an HP750C or C-plus driver since adding the C-kit to the 450 plotter to make it a 450C effectively changes it to a 750C type plotter. Again no go. either get a single layer only or - when using HP's prefview selection, SOLID BLACK!

Any solutions, besides pop the big bucks for a new plotter or have to spend the big bucks on remote plotting services and overnight delivery? I am a small office and affording other options is not an option.

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