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VA9 Bugs

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The following are items we've found in upgrade 9 that we wish could be addressed:

1. The off screen scrolling is very sensitive. The cursor needs to be on the ruler or 1/16" near the window in order for the screen to automatically move.

2. The text edit/create tool requires zooming in to operate. If you're at 100% a warning alert appears.

3. What happened to the door head/class for door objects? It used to be "ceiling-main".

4. An odd thing happens when we first open a worksheet. If a row/column is selected to be deleted or added, the class names appear in the sub-window.

5. What is the deal with updated VW8 files to VA9 with workgroup references? Why is there an alert warning appear every time we attach a workgroup reference to a target file that says something like "a new class name must be created"? This is a puzzle and a pain.

6. The saved views we have set up usually take some time to generate when in a file. Why is it so slow now to change a go to a saved view?

7. When looking at a rendered model, the rendering capability in GL is not interactive when rotating the model in 3D. I miss quicktime...

any responses will be appreciated.


Jim McAuliffe, RA

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More bugs

I've had VWA9 for a week now, here's a few bugs I've found. All of these worked correctly in VW8

1. Set print area changes to other rather than staying on one page when you change page sizes

2. If I drag a door PIO down a wall with my selection tool disabeling the ability to remove the objects from the walls the selection alway defaults to the center of the object, basically I cannot grab the jamb and use it to snap to other objects

3. Sometimes the auto scroll won't work. I'll try to pay attention next time so I can give some details.

4. When I select a large number of objects there is a long hesitation befor I can continue working.

5. When you scroll using the arrows each scroll increment is recorded as an undoable event.

6. PIO will not use their class attributes, they seem to use the wall attributes, specifically line weights.

Has anyone else seen these problems.


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Hi everyone. I've had Architect9 and RW9 for just over a week now. Some things are better and some things are worse(no point beating a dead horse here). Overall, I'm just not sure the bugs and the learning curve are really worth it. I'm still waiting for an RW9 call back from tech support... 10 days and counting. I'm almost at the point of sending 9 back and sticking with 8.5.2. I'll stick it out for another week, but the light at the end of the tunnel is fading...

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