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I have noticed that some VA doors and windows, when in a plan that is being refernced as a Workgroup, appear with extruded jambs. It looks like each door/window has a line on each side of the jamb the same height as the door/window. In the reference plan they appear correct. I have turned off all the 3D features. Any suggestions?


Jim McAuliffe, RA

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the info, I lookforward to the new release. In the meantime I have noticed that is the 3D buttons are turned off for each object in the referenced file, it remones the extrude in the target file. It takes some going back and forth, but seems to work (if you are not doing modelling).


Jim McAuliffe, RA

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  • 4 months later...


Originally posted by Robert Anderson:

This is a known bug, and will be fixed in the next major release. In the meantime, place doors and windows in symbols, which will avoid this problem. Refer to the VA documentation on doors and windows which describes the recommended procedure.

I have noticed that when I am referencing the base plans to, for example, the electrical plans the layer bar keeps flashing <mystery object>. What does this mean? Is this why it is taking so long to reference the plan, sometimes as much as 10 minutes. I have tried to "hide 3D objects" but there is no way of knowing if this is set and seems that I have to keep resetting it. Can you help me?

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