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ETC Source 4 19 deg Not Hanging Correctly

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Hello all,


I have been struggling with hanging ETC fixtures on a light pipe for awhile now. My problem only happens when I try to hang ETC Source 4 19deg fixtures from the pipe. I do not have the same problem with my 17deg fixtures or my Robe movers. I have tried replacing the lights with their 26deg sister and the 26degs hang great as they are supposed to! I only have the problem with ETC Source 4 19deg.


The problem is illustrated by the below images.


In this first image, you can see that the ETC Source 4 26deg fixtures hang great just as they are supposed to. They also will turn and focus as they should when assigned a focus point.



I took the same fixtures in the file above and did "Replace Instruments" with the 19deg instrument. In the below two images, you can see the ETC Source 4 19deg fixtures aligning themselves incorrectly along the light pipe. In the third image, the device is thoroughly messed up when I try to assign it a focus point center stage (but it points to the wall and breaks the fixture composition).



Things I have tried/double checked:

- the light pipes have been converted to hanging positions

- I have attached the lights before I try to change the height of the hanging position to "fly" them

- I am using the Lighting Instrument tool (not the symbol insertion tool)

- I am making sure the hanging position highlights red in order to connect the fixture to the hanging position.

- Since I first had this issue, I have done a fresh install of VectorWorks. This did not repair the problem.

- I have started numerous fresh files and the problem has occurred each time (no background data somewhere messing it up in the file itself)


Please let me know if I am missing something because I have watched so many YouTube videos on hanging lights and going through this process and nothing seems to fix the problem.


Thank you!

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This did repair the problem. My symbol was oriented incorrectly. I am not sure if I perfectly fixed it, but it is pretty close. Do you think a fresh install would fix the symbol? Or do you think it comes in the package messed up? I don't remember if I deleted the user data last time I did a fresh install so that could be it?


I have a fix at this point. Just want to understand as much as I can. Thank you!

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