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Multiple extrude along paths from one profile?

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Has anyone successfully extruded along multiple 3d poly lines/ nurbs lines? I am trying to use a single profile (i.e. 2x8) and extrude it along 51 3d polylines that are spaced 16" o.c. in the same direction. Is there a way to do this in bulk rather than one by one?


Question 2 - Can this be used with the Marionette? and if it is, can someone direct me as to how this can be done?





Edited by Samuel Derenboim
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I'm not an expert in it but the Surface Array tool may allow you to take a symbol that represents your first extrude and array it along the warped surface.


I've been waiting for years for the Extrude Along Path tool to allow for a symbol based profile similar to how the Framing Tool can link to a custom symbol profile.

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