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VWX2021 lighting acc issue

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Accessories now utilize the parts record to determine which part of the fixture they rotate with. If there is no parts record attached it defaults to being placed at the front of the fixture and rotating with the body of the fixture, as this was the default behavior for all accessories in prior versions.

For clamps and other accessories that attach to the base of the fixture the parts record should be attached to the symbol and the Base filed should be selected.

Concept: Lighting accessories


We will look into the issue of the geometry not updating after editing the symbol.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Alexey Trebukhin I have found that if you go into the OIP and choose 'Edit Accessories' you can then add additional clamps.  You want to be sure to use the second mode though so that the extra clamps do not insert at the insertion point of the symbol but instead where you click them into the document.  You may also have to go into a front or side view and adjust the clamp height to line up with the bottom of the base.


If you make a custom symbol and add an additional clamp so that two attach in one symbol you will need to update the weight of the symbol.

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@JustinVH the tool "edit acc" is really limited. It's not possible to use mirror tool(to mirror the clamps or other objects)  and other tools so its easier to make adjustments in 3D of Clamp and add weight in "light info records M". But I hope someday you will fix that. Also I hope, someday there will be info about default positions for the clamps in 3D model of lighting fixture! It could be really useful when you have custom Light plot on the truss to check if it's possible to rigg the fixtures between the truss crossing sections.


UPD: I didn't check the reports to find out if it makes the proper counts of clamps amount if you make changes in 3D of the clamp.

I think this could be a problem. 🙂 




Edited by Alexey Trebukhin
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