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Push & Pop Constrains


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Hello @WhoCanDo ,

   The constraint settings can be accessed by preference numbers. Here's a routine I wrote a couple of years ago that will do what you're looking for.

	function GetSnaps :String;
	{ Return a string with the current SNAP settings. }
		S :String;
		S := '';
		if GetPref(37) then S := 'A';			{ Snap to Grid }
		if GetPref(1312) then S := concat(S, 'S');	{ Snap to Angle }
		if GetPref(1314) then S := concat(S, 'D');	{ Smart Points }
		if GetPref(1316) then S := concat(S, 'F');	{ Smart Edge }
		if GetPref(38) then S := concat(S, 'Q');	{ Snap to Object }
		if GetPref(1313) then S := concat(S, 'W');	{ Snap to Intersection }
		if GetPref(1315) then S := concat(S, 'E');	{ Snap to Distance }
		if GetPref(1317) then S := concat(S, 'R');	{ Snap to Tangent }
		GetSnaps := S;
	End;		{ GetSnaps }



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There is probably not a GetConstraint because you can use PushAttrs to save all of the attributes and constraints and then restore them using PopAttrs when you are done.


Use those at the begining and end of your script and you can change things as you like while the script runs and give the user back their environment just as you got it.

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