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Stopping Viewports from auto rendering

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We have multiple people all working on one shared document at the moment. There is a range of specs of machines running the file - some great for rendering, others not so much.


Is there a way to either "bake" the render of a viewport down so that it will retain its quality but not update on export or to stop viewports from automatically trying to render when you open a sheet layer with them on (a sort of live toggle)?


Thanks in advance!

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Have you tried Document Settings:Document Preferences:Display pane:Save Viewport Cache?  This should save the rendered images into the file, but will make the file much bigger as a result.


You will probably also want to check the settings in the Publish (or whatever version of Export you are using) and make sure that you have "Update Visible Out of date Viewport on Export. For PDFs this is under the Publish to PDF:Options button.

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If Save Viewport Cache is checked in the preferences then an "image" of the viewport render will be saved with the file and should be displayed when you open the file.


If Save Viewport Cache is not checked in the preference then any rendering is abandoned when you close the file and the viewport will display a wireframe version and the red/white border showing the viewport is out of date. When you click the Update button the rendering will refresh until you close the file or make a change to the file that makes the viewport out of date.


@P Retondo Was your question directed to me or isyme?

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@Pat Stanford 

My question was directed at both parties, and your answer conforms to my experience.  But I took from the original post that isyme's office experienced automatic re-rendering of sheet layer viewports that was slowing down their work.  I wondered why that was happening given the two modes of program behavior you describe, and maybe it has something to do with teamwork.  He/she refers to "exporting" in the course of their work.

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