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Weird Text Issue in Marionette Object Node

Tom M.

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Hi there,


i have a strange issue in a marionette object node.

The network outside of an object node works perfect. But in the Object node the textfields changes randomly their position.


Does anyone know something about this problem or are some connections wrong inside of my network?


Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-28 um 23.45.06.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-28 um 23.45.29.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-28 um 23.45.40.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-28 um 23.45.51.png

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13 hours ago, Tom M. said:

Hi there,


i have a strange issue in a marionette object node.

The network outside of an object node works perfect. But in the Object node the textfields changes randomly their position.


Does anyone know something about this problem or are some connections wrong inside of my network?


you can try to add the <Point> node (with correct Coordinates) at all "Easy Text nodes" 

than try the <dummy end> node, instead of <Pass> node at the end of your Marionette network 

greatings M.Graf

Edited by M.Graf TH-OWL
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thanks for the updated string node. 

I tried this workaround with the Space as well 😉 because I discoverd that the positioning error only happens if one string is empty.

But I wanted to understand why this random positioning happens because all the text nodes have their specific insertion point.


For the moment I can work with this workaround. Thanks


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