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Hog PC & Vision whats it going to cost me?

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Hey All,

MAC user here

During this Covid-19 hell I want to learn how to program a Hog Console unless the Grand MA is a better choice. (y'all tell me)

I have a MAC book pro i want to run bootcamp on to use the HOG pc  or Grand MA software.

I will use my Mac pro to run Vision.

I know i have to buy windows 10 (any ideas for reliable trustworthy versions)


what else am i going to have to buy. (software, dongles, etc)

I would like to have a few (maybe 1 to 3) DMX universes.

This is strictly going to be used in vision only as a learning tool.

If i ever get near real lights i will also get near a real hog to dump the show into.

Thanks for the info in advance

Jeff Miller



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


If you have Vectorworks Service select for Spotlight or Designer you already have 2 universes of Vision. The you can request the serial number in the Service Select portal.

(If not adding service select might be the least expensive option to get you started if you don't need unlimited universes.)

HOG pc would be your best option, if you are looking to keep costs down. Grand MA requires the use of a Vision dongle. (Their rules not ours.)

You can shop around for the best price on a Windows 10 license but you can download and install Windows 10 directly from MS without an activation key to make sure everything works before purchasing a license key. (Just make sure you install the right version for the license key you plan to purchase.)

If you have another older machine around that can run the HOG pc you can connect that to your Mac and run Vision on your mac and HOG pc on he other machine.


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Hey All,

i boot camped my Mac book pro, installed windows 10 and HOG 4 PC.

I have vision running on my Mac Pro.

They are connected together with a CAT 5 Cable.


Can someone walk me thru this?

Is this even possible.

Has anyone done this?

Hog PC says to use he Hog Net but that is not available on a MAC machine.

What are my workaround options?

I'm okay with computers but this IP address stuff is not in my wheel house (totally lost)


Thanks in Advance.




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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Yes, HogNET is only supported by Windows. HES only supplied the HogNET driver for Windows to us.

I thought the Hog PC would output sACN or ArtNET but it's been a while since I tried. If it does not then you will need to run Vision on a windows machine in order to get HogNET.

Usually when I am instructing on the Mac I'm using the ETC offline console.

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