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Revisions and Issue Data VW2020

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Hi all, was wondering if anyone could provide some help on how revisions and issues work with VW2020. I've got all of the text boxes etc in the title block and been looking through the title block manager but struggling to see how to actually input the data and create a revision. I have found the worksheet but again unsure how this works. Any help would the greatly appreciated! 



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hello, @LiamSayer,


You could check the VW help site - https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2020/eng/index.htm#t=VW2020_Guide%2FSetup%2FTitle_block_border_settings.htm%23XREF_64162_Title_Block_Border&rhsearch=title block border&rhsyns=


For a shorter help:

- Issue and Revision data could be added from the Title Block Manage or Title Block Border Settings dialogs. It is recommended to use the Manager for editing of multiple TBBs at once and the Settings for single TBB editing. It is important to know that Issue Data is document wide, which means that if 2 TBBs have the same issue, editing it from one of the TBBs changes it in the other too. Revision data is not document wide, so it is individual for each TBB.

Displaying Issue/Revision data in the TBB Layout is done by creating a text block objects and linking it from the bottom of its OIP to Issue/Revision data field.


Let me know if you need any additional information.


Best Regards,

Nikolay Zhelyazkov

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