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Drawing Label - Custom Sheet Number

B Cox

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I am working with a design group that has a specific approach to how drawing labels must be formatted. Instead of the drawing label referencing the current sheet (which always seemed like a useless function to me), they want the drawing label to reference the sheet where it is first buttoned. IE, if the plan is on sheet 1, my elevation is on sheet 2. Sheet 2's drawing labels are Detail 1/Sheet 1. 


You can set VW drawing label to show sheet numbers, but there is no apparently functionality to do custom sheet numbers. Does anyone have a in object work around? The only thing I've seen a few other people do is to paste the drawing label outside of the drawing viewport annotation onto the sheetlayer and explode the object, but its gonna get messy fast.

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16 hours ago, B Cox said:

IE, if the plan is on sheet 1, my elevation is on sheet 2. Sheet 2's drawing labels are Detail 1/Sheet 1. 

Very Old School.

Detail Number from the sheet you are on and then the first location that the detail was keyed in.

Gives you the ability to see the detail and then find where the detail exists in the project.


You don't have to explose anything.

Just edit the one you have.

Either in the VP Annotations space or place a new one on the Sheet or Design Layer.

Not automatic but...#WhatAreYaGonnaDo?


Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 7.46.55 AM.png

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  • 4 years later...

Hi all, I know this is an old conversation, but I stumbled on it while trying to solve just this thing.  Now that I have found the answer, I thought I'd leave it here for others.


As of 2025 (I didn't check to see if this exists in earlier versions), the label data for the sheet number object can be redefined to be "Back ref sheet number" instead of "sheet number".  This can be accessed via "edit drawing label layout".


Works well in custom drawing label styles, and you can set the referencing object in the object info pallet for each viewport.  If there is no back ref, the sheet number is blank.



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