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How to leave symbol edit mode in SDK plug-in?

Stefan Bender

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In one of our plug-ins (search and replace) we have to enter and leave symbol edit mode several times while a dialog is running. I.e., one user action enters symbol edit mode, another one should leave it.
We are using ISDK->DoMenuName("Group Navigation Chunk",1) to enter symbol edit mode (works) and ISDK->DoMenuName("Group Navigation Chunk",2) to exit, but that does not work.

Even after the call, you still see the orange "Exit Symbol" rectangle at the right top corner of the screen. Only after you quit the entire dialog, the orange recangle disappears.

Is this a bug in VW, maybe a redraw issue? Or is there another way to exit symbol edit mode and make the orange rectangle disappear?


Thanks for any help,

Stefan Bender

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