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Renovation Filters


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Hi all, I am still fairly new to VW working with a new practice, with a background in ArchiCAD. Currently the drawing templates are split into 3 separate models:

In ArchiCAD, the use of "renovation filters" allowed all work to take place in one model, assigning elements of the building to different stages of the project.

Does VW provide any similar function?


Thanks in advance.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

The most straightforward way to do this in Vectorworks is using Classes (e.g. Existing to remain, Existing to Relocate, New Construction, Demolished, Relocated). Give each class a separate set of class attributes (e.g. for US standards, Demolished would be no fill, red dashed lines) and set them all to Use on Creation. Then just assign these classes to your walls / doors / windows / slabs / etc. as you go. You can also use class overrides in viewports to handle additional visibilities. Then a set of saved views / viewports covers the various phases:

  • Existing conditions: Existing to Remain, Existing to Relocate, Demolished visible and class-overriden to look the same. New Construction, Relocated hidden.)
  • Demolition Plans: Existing to Remain, Existing to Relocate, Demolished . New Construction, Relocated hidden.)
  • Construction: Existing to Remain, New Construction, Relocated visible with differentiating class attributes. Demolished and Existing to Relocate hidden.)

Not rocket science, but it covers 95%+ of conditions.


You seem to ask not so much about "Renovation phasing" but about phasing in general (Concept, Planning, Construction). These are not so much construction phases, as they are phases of increasing design development (at least I infer this from the names). I'm pretty sure that if you wanted you could use Classes in a similar way here.

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