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Move dimension text left or right

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Kind of, but I have run out of time to play tonight.


SetObjectVariableBoolean(FSActLayer,29, False);

29 turn off the Auto Position Text.

44 sets the dim text offset


Reset and Redraw are just there to make sure the update shows properly and are probably not needed.


But what I am seeing is that negative numbers offset to the left of the witness lines and positive numbers offset to the right of the witness lines (in a horizontal dimension). 


I have not figured out how to shift it and stay within the witness lines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is percentages expressed as a decimal between the witness lines but I can't recall if it is only positive percentages leading to or from the starting witness or if negative percentages can also be used and it is from the mid point.

Edited by LarryO
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