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Marionette object only editable in plan view


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@giobbe I will take a stab at this with some of the basic background info and a process for the conversion to 3d. 

First, some definitions. Items in the Resource Manager symbols folder are Symbol Definitions. Symbols placed on the drawing are Symbol Instances. But, both are often referred to as “symbols”. Sometimes it’s important to distinguish between them. Usually it doesn’t matter. Edits to the Symbol Definition or to an instance on the drawing also change all existing instances of that symbol on the drawing (some exceptions).

A vwx symbol is a container which can have both a 3d and a 2d Component. A symbol component contains the symbol geometry.  If a symbol has both 2d and 3d components, the OIP identifies the symbol instance on the drawing as a 2d/3d symbol. We also refer to these as hybrid symbols. In Top/plan view, a 2d/3d symbol displays only the 2d geometry, always on the layer plane.  In all other view settings (Plan, flyover, iso, etc), only the 3d geometry is displayed. The intent, I believe is to enable simpler, clearer top/plan representations without overlapping 3d surfaces, converging edges, everything on the layer plane, available for snaps, dimensions, notes, etc.  Other reasons, too, I’m sure. 



A vwx symbol also can be made with geometry only in the 3d component (identified in OIP as a 3d symbol).  Surprisingly, a 3d symbol can contain both 2d and 3d geometry in its 3d component. A 3d symbol always displays all its contained geometry (2d and 3d objects) in any view. When a symbol instance is placed or relocated in the drawing, the 2d objects move and rotate in 3space along with the 3d objects. 


A 2d symbol has only a 2d component, containing only 2d objects. A 2d symbol displays all its geometry in both 2d and 3d views. 

OK, soooooo, converting a 2d/3d to a 3d symbol—-

The goal is to remove everything from the 2d component. If you need the 2d geometry to display, it can be pasted into the 3d component. 
1. Right click an instance of the symbol on the drawing, or the symbol definition in the Resource Manager.

2. Choose Edit 2d Component. In the edit window, Select All, then Cut (if the objects are needed for future paste to the 3d component), or (Delete if the objects are not needed).

3. A warning dialog may appear asking if you want to convert the symbol to a 3d only symbol. Accept the option to convert. Exit the Edit window.

4. If the 2d objects are desired for symbol display, right click the symbol again and choose Edit 3d Component. Paste in the 2d objects and/or create new geometry.  If any warnings appear, decline option to convert the symbol to 2d/3d, accept option to keep it 3d. Exit the Edit pane. The symbol is now a 3d symbol. 

Whew! Post again if more discussion desired. 




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