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Attribute Criteria PP= is not working

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Can anyone explain why this is not working please? I want to use PP= with ForEachObject, but the test below indicates that (PP = Line_Style) doesn't work when the Line_Style is changed to a "Line Type" (Dotted, etc.)


procedure test;
var Line_Index : longint;
Line_Index := GetLSN (FSActLayer);
Message (Line_Index); Wait (2);
SelectObj ((PP = Line_Index));
Message (GetLSN (FSActLayer), '  ', Line_Index);


ForEachObject (Do_This, ((T = Line) & (PP = Line_Index)));

run (test);

Edited by WhoCanDo
added - when the Line_Style is changed to a "Line Type" (Dotted, etc.)
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PP is for pen pattern. What you want is LT, which takes the name of the line style. Using the criteria can be useful to get the syntax correct.


Criteria can also be finicky with variables. You often need to pass the entire criteria as a string with escaped quotation marks around any string values.



crit := Concat('((T = Line) & (PP = ''', Line_Index, ''')))');

FEO( Do_This, crit);


You can also concat Chr({ADCII_CODE_FOR_SINGLE_QUOTE}) instead of using the 'x3, but I don't have that off the top of my head.

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Thanks JB,


This partly works. For SelectObj it works, but for ForEachObject it doesn't.


I have had to use ForEachObject without PP and then check each "h" with "if (GetLSN (h) <> Line_Index) then" before running the code.


I still think there is a bug with ForEachObject (Do_This, ((T = Line) & (PP = Line_Index))); not recognising the PP


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You have to declare a sub procedure (or sub function I can never remember which is used for ForEachObject and which for the FEOInList) and use that as part of the procedure call.



procedure test;
var Line_Index : longint;

	Procedure Do_This;
			SelectObj ((PP = Line_Index));
			Message (GetLSN (FSActLayer), '  ', Line_Index);


Line_Index := GetLSN (FSActLayer);
Message (Line_Index); Wait (2);
		{SelectObj ((PP = Line_Index));
		Message (GetLSN (FSActLayer), '  ', Line_Index);
ForEachObject (Do_This, ((T = Line) & (PP = Line_Index)));

run (test);

Too late for testing tonight. 



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Hi Pat,


When you get back, try this with a line that has Line Type "Circles" or anything but "Solid" or "Pattern". It won't work.


procedure test;
var Line_Index : longint;

    Procedure Do_This (h : handle);
            SelectObj ((PP = Line_Index));
            Message (GetLSN (h), '  ', Line_Index);

Line_Index := GetLSN (FSActLayer);
Message (Line_Index); Wait (2);
ForEachObject (Do_This, ((T = Line) & (PP = Line_Index)));
run (test);

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Take a look at this version. It selects all of the lines in the file with the same LineStyle as the first selected object on the layer.


procedure test;
var Line_Index : longint;
	LineStyleName : String;
	ListID: longint;
	ListItems: LongInt;
    Procedure Do_This (H1 : handle);
            Message (GetLSN (h1), '  ', Line_Index);
Line_Index := GetLSN (FSActLayer);
LineStyleName :=GetDashLineTypeName(Line_Index);
ForEachObject (Do_This, ((T = Line) & (LT = LineStyleName)));
run (test);

I had to do some digging to realize the GetDashLineTypeName was the key to getting the LineStyleName so the criteria will work properly.

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@JBenghiat is rarely wrong 😉


I think that sometimes both he and I go a little too fast in trying to help and sometimes answer a different question than is actually being asked.  But if you are persistent we usually figure it out and some up with a working solution.


If you don't care about seeing each line select in turn, you can delete the Message and Wait statements and move the RedrawAll statement to just before the last End statement and the script will run much faster.

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