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V11 to VW 11.5

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When opening drawings saved in VW 11.5 format using VW11, a message appears saying that the class visibility has been changed on some viewports and to see these changes look at a text file located in the program folder.

Why is this occuring? Very frustrating having to locate these changes and correct them.


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I experienced the same thing and have the same question. And I'll add this question:

I have a construction drawing in the design layer that has been fully noted (class "notes") and fully dimensioned (class "dimension"). I then want to create a letter-size revision sheet for a change order which will not show the full notations or dimensions, only those that I want to change or add to. This way the contractor and client will see only what is changing, not what remains the same. In 11.5 can I keep the original notes and dimensions invisible in a viewport, but still use the annotation function with the same "notes" and "dimension" classes?

I was able to do this with 11, but when I opened that file as an 11.5 I could no longer do this, per the previous post. And I was not able to fix it either.

Do I have to create separate "annotation" classes?

Is it really the best strategy to use the annotations function to do all the dimensioning and notations?

Am I missing something here?

Help, please!

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