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IES File issue (VW2019 SP latest)


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In the attached screen caps you'll see a 3D lighting fixture symbol (Shelled box w/ custom light—IES File) rendered.

In one cap the fixture is oriented  N/S, in the other, the fixture is oriented E/W. Alas, the Lighting beam does not rotate with the fixture, against all the physical laws of nature, apparently.

The ies file is a stock ETC Vivid-R70H.

I have attached the VWX file as well.

Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 11.07.17 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 11.07.10 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 11.11.53 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 11.12.02 AM.png


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  • 1 month later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I encountered the same issue and reported it as bug, the current workaround that I found, it is that the light is aiming 90° down meaning perpendicular to the ground, if the light is tilted 0.01° then the light rotates with the symbol.


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9 minutes ago, JuanCarlos said:

I encountered the same issue and reported it as bug, the current workaround that I found, it is that the light is aiming 90° down meaning perpendicular to the ground, if the light is tilted 0.01° then the light rotates with the symbol.



9 minutes ago, JuanCarlos said:

I encountered the same issue and reported it as bug, the current workaround that I found, it is that the light is aiming 90° down meaning perpendicular to the ground, if the light is tilted 0.01° then the light rotates with the symbol.


@JuanCarlosWow, never thought of that as a possible solution. thanks man, a workaround is sure better than the obverse.

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