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Subdivision - 2019 movie reproducing

Guest Magi

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I tried to reproduce fundamentals 2019 movie organic wall form but it seems to be impossible. Is there anyone who is able to tell me how to create that stepped open space inside the "wall"?

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I agree. 

Nevertheless, I continue to explore 2019 subdivision and found that bridge mode is not working for me for 3D shapes.  I created two separate tubes, opened their ends, combined them together and tried to bridge the edges.  No result. Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Bridging will close two open edges, not two edges adjacent to hidden ones I think. If you delete the face instead of hiding it, you should then be able to bridge. If not, please post the object or a portion of it in an example file and I'll take a look.

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  • 2 months later...

I think the Bridge Function came already with VW 2018.

I tried it at that time and it worked ok AFAIK.


Also there came a Symmetry Option, with a bicycle saddle example,

where you model one half only and activate the mirrored half later.

Edited by zoomer
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2 hours ago, zoomer said:

Also there came a Symmetry Option, with a bicycle saddle example,

where you model one half only and activate the mirrored half later.


The object I want to model is less 'mirrored' then it seems, so I would like to do it without mirroring.

Bridging the object works, only it seems that the bridges flips over to the other corner in this case so you get this strange cross you see in the screen cap above.

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That is why I mentioned symmetry option ...

(I see it is called "Mirror Modeling Mode" and needed some time to find it and get how it works 😉 )

 .... Because I thought you mirrored manually and that would be the reason for your flipped "Bridge"


I think I bridged 2 Faces at that time.

Have you tried closing (relatively new too) the holes on both sides and bridge these ?

Will it also be flipped ?

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  • 9 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I agree completely. You have to go back to the basic subdivision tutorial. However then they blow through the basics in the first 2 seconds and I am not sure how you would do the internal framing. There seems to be more Vectorworks tutorials on Youtube than in the VW library .

Edited by rjtiedeman
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