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Tie revision clouds to titleblock manager revisions

Ross Harris


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@Nikolay Zhelyazkov - I'm not sure a vwx would be much help as most of how it would work would be behind the scenes.

How I would envisage the system to work would need the title block manager to have a revision manager that works holistically with a revamped cloud tool, data tag, title block and sheet list as so:

  • Manager: You set the revision up first (lets call this Revision 'A') before you cloud the changes.
  • Manager: This would need the ability to 'close off' a revision so that the next revision becomes active i.e. rev 'B' and so on..
  • Cloud Tool: The cloud tool would need to capture the active revision for tagging purposes and placing the correct revision in the title block. When a revision is closed off (lets say 'A') new clouds would be created with revision 'B' data. Clouds would also need to update the title block if placed in the annotation/sheet layer.
  • Data Tag: Scrap the revision tag tool and incorporate this into the data tag - there is tonnes of potential for the new data tag to be a one stop shop for many duties - this would be perfect and reduce the number of tools. With the data tag pulling the revision numbers from the cloud in the design layer/annotation/sheet layer these should be able to be added when the cloud is drawn or added later (Cloud tool/OIP pref?) and should be fully drag able with a leader line attached to the cloud for optimum positioning.
  • Title Blocks: Title blocks reflect the current revision of the sheet pulled from the highest revision cloud present
  • Sheet list: Should include the sheet, title, current revision and date at a minimum, but should be able to list the past revisions that have occurred on each sheet and the corresponding dates. Other folks might have more in depth requirements here...

Typical workflow:

  • Open title block manager, go to the revision tab create first revision (A)
  • Cloud changes - automatically adds tags, updates title blocks and sheet lists as you cloud.
  • Close revision of in manager, revision B loaded as active and ready for clouds...

At present its:

  • Cloud changes
  • Tag each cloud with revision tag tool
  • Update title block manager for each sheet
  • Make sure the sheet list recalcs and shows the revision.
  • So much room for error and labour intensive...


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It seems that a lot of this was implemented and is working relatively well. However, the revision cloud tool is still a "dumb" object with no link to the revision data. This still means that one of the requests (if not the main one) of the OP is still unaddressed : one still needs to manually select which sheets are updated, apply the update, add descriptions, and so on.


Would it be possible for this tool to automatically detect which sheets contain revision clouds and automatically include those sheets (and those sheets only) in the current revision list? This would require a feature, as outlined by the OP, allowing to choose the current revision and make the visible clouds pertain to the current revision only.


Revit has been very good on this for years, so I'm sure some inspiration could be found there.



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