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Ungrouping not working in 2019 (SP1) pc

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Is anyone else having issues ungrouping groups? I have tried shortcuts and using the ungroup function from the toolbar but I can not get grouped items to ungroup. My current workaround is to go into the group, select all, copy, exit group, delete the group, paste in place. 


Ironically, I can ungroup exploded object/symbols.  My issue only allies to groups I create.


Does anyone know what the issue is?


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  • 4 months later...

I can replicate this about 50% of the time.  Not sure where the bug is, but have just grown used to going into the group and copying what I need. then exiting the group, delete the group, and then paste in place.  Huge time suck.  Very reluctant to move projects to 2019.  I was very excited for SP3, but still, the issue remains.  I emailed tech the file to see what they say.


1. Draw a bunch of stuff.

2. Make a group of stuff

3. Copy the group

4. Paste the group

5. Try to ungroup group… not working.  ☹

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Vectorworks got back to me and here is what they did to get things to ungroup. 😃

It seems like I set up a bad default setting at some point.   After resetting the default, I was able to get things working again. 



"In Vectorworks, when we go to ungroup items with Class Information, we can receive a dialogue asking if we want to ungroup such groups.  If we check the "always choose this option" button, and then hit No, we won't be able to ungroup items like this going forward. The only way around this is to go into our Vectorworks Preferences (Tools > Options > Vectorworks Preferences), and then into the Session Tab.  In here, you can choose the Reset Saved Settings option, which will reset all of those checkboxes."


Edited by VellumDesignBuild
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  • 4 weeks later...

It's one of those features that can haunt you later when you have forgotten about making some setting the default.


Maybe VW could have an option to show a message in the status bar for such settings that setting X is by default set to Y and therefore cannot perform operation Z on the selection.

Edited by Art V
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  • 1 year later...

I'm having the same issue.


It seemed at first to be a problem if I first tried Command+U to ungroup (which did not ungroup it) and then I would right click and select "ungroup" and still did not ungroup. So then its select all, cut, exit group, paste in place.  


But if I didn't try Command+U first, right clicking and selecting ungroup would work. 


Not anymore though. I can't get groups to ungroup themselves at all now in any way. Remarkable what a pain it is! 




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  • 3 months later...

John, It sounds like you may have checked a setting box at one time that disables some features of the ungroup command. Go into our Vectorworks Preferences (Tools > Options > Vectorworks Preferences), and then into the Session Tab.  In there, you can choose the Reset Saved Settings option, which will reset that.

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