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Help! Render has stopped!!





Newbie here - I have been rendering my work for the last 13 hrs - suddenly I cant see the timer in the corner, and although it hasn't restarted, it doesn't seem to be making progress either.... is there a way to restart this if it has stopped? Argh!!




Edited by anniemitch
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@Jim Wilson  oh noo! Thank you, although I'm not really sure how to do that...


Also I know that 13 hrs to not even be half done is a very long time - I just don't really have understanding of the different render settings to cut this time down! I'm rendering a lot of glass / reflections but are there any ways to shortcut this? And does the addition of caustics change this time a lot? Its the one main change I've made and its taking ages this time...


Edited by anniemitch
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Caustic photons will drastically increase rendering time. You would need to ensure that you have caustic photons enabled on each of your light objects as well or it won’t have much of an effect. Furthermore, caustics aren’t necessary for making high quality glass renderings. To get you more familiar with the various settings I’m going to include some links to our instructional content on the matter. 








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@BSeigel I do actually have one other question - I have a HDRI background outside a window (from the view above, it is behind the camera on the back wall on the right. You can slightly see it showing up in the reflections on the far left of the rendering - I put it there so it would be able to be seen in the reflections facing it; however as you can see its kind of an odd brown colour... this HDRI setting is Daytime Mostly Sunny so I'm not sure why its not showing up right … Do I need to enable it somehow in the render settings? And also, will this affect the overall lighting balance inside my room? ( I want it to stay as close as possible to how I have it now!)



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@BSeigel I am using the 'Custom Renderworks' setting for my renders at the moment - can I change those settings through that menu? Also I am on windows so have different menus to you!


Does environment lighting mean that it will light the whole room? I essentially would like a brighter reflection where it is pictured, without affecting the lighting I have so far.. if anything its too bright already! And if so and I just used it in the environment reflections setting, does this mean it will just show in reflections but not in lighting?

Still trying to get my head around it all!

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All good,


You will need to create a Renderworks Style in the resource manager by selecting New Resource>Renderworks Style. Edit the resource and you can change all the rendering settings. 


Environment lighting brightens the model using colors from the background. 


Changing environment reflections will not directly affect lighting, it just selects which environment image shows up in reflections.

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@BSeigel I have figured out how to create a viewport from my camer view; but the viewport is a different aspect ratio to my design layer view and so is cropping the top and bottom parts of my image and making it narrower. Does this setting change in the viewport? Or does it export as normal once rendered, ignoring this crop?



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23 hours ago, BSeigel said:

If you only want it to show up in reflections you can select which background is used for environment reflections by editing a Renderworks style. 





@BSeigel Sorry to bombard but I have just adjusted these settings, to apply reflections of the Mostly Sunny HDR, as well as a low value in environment lighting - however my window is still showing up as that murky brown/ green colour (in the very far left, seen reflected) as before, and pictured below.... is there anything else I'm missing? I'm still rendering from my design layer as I haven't quite figured out the viewport rendering, if that would make a difference.... also my indirect lighting value is set to 4 bounces, would this affect it?




Edited by anniemitch
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You can always edit the Crop of your Sheet Layer Viewports to get the desired aspect ratio.


There is just a bit of risk when you go back to your Camera to edit the Camera View.

I often lost my image composition when I had worked too much with my crops,

so that I had to redo the Crops from scratch again after Camera changes.

(like moving the whole cropping Rectangle upwards, to fake a architectural Tilt/Shift Camera

to avoid distorted vertical Lines)



You can go into your Background Options and change the Brightness.

As it is for Reflections only you can exaggerate a bit.

You can enter numbers larger than what the Sliders does,

e.g. 2000% and such.

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@zoomer Thanks! Ill try that with the reflections now.


I'm not sure how to do those crops - I just want to match the viewport to the same aspect ratio/view as what I'm seeing in the design layer - but when moving to a viewport it takes on the aspect ratio settings from the camera, that I didn't see originally in the design layer. I've been trying to find one that matches but didn't know what the quickest way to achieve the same layout as my design layer in my viewport would be?


Also I am finding that my exports from the viewport are of a much lower quality - does the size of the viewport on the page affect this? How do I set it up so its the same quality as what I'm seeing when exporting from my design layer?


Thank you!!

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1 hour ago, anniemitch said:

I'm not sure how to do those crops - I just want to match the viewport to the same aspect ratio/view as what I'm seeing in the design layer


I wonder why VW has chose a different VP aspect ratio other than your Screen

View anyway.

But the general workflow of any Viewport creation is that, without custom crop,

generated 2D VPs size dynamically to fit the content in which can be annoying

for your Sheet Layer Layout, after adding new geometry.


You can add or change any VP Crop later by VP Edit Crop.

(any closed 2D Shape but only 1)


But the trick is to draw a suitable Rectangle in Screen Plane Mode - before you

Create>VP. VW will recognize that selected Rectangle and ask if you will use

that Rectangle as a Crop for the new VP.

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