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Z Values from OIP


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Hi All


I'm trying to create a symbol-marionette that displays the Z values from the OIP. For that I used the "Get 3D Z" node. However, a different value will be displayed, depending on which layer the Symbol is on. Also I tried the node "Get Height", but it did not work either.

What is going wrong?


Greetings KroVex


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1 hour ago, KroVex said:

For that I used the "Get 3D Z" node. However, a different value will be displayed, depending on which layer the Symbol is on.


This makes sense given that your layers have different elevation heights. If you switch to front view, select the object and change its layer using the layer drop down menu in the Object Info Palette, you'll physically see the object change heights when it changes layers.




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  • Marionette Maven

The Get 3D Info node returns values based on the coordinates of the layer that the object resides on. If you want to get the coordinates from the drawing's coordinate system (which should match the OIP value), you will need to add the Layer's elevation to the value from the Get 3D Info node, based on my testing. To do this, get the layer of the input object using the Get Layer node, and use the Get Layer Elevation node to return the elevation of the layer.



Screen Shot 2018-10-25 at 12.53.09 PM.png

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Hi All


With your help, I was able to finish the tool. In our project we need the absolute sea level to control the component heights.

The red cone is placed on the object to be measured and the text indicates the sea level. In the OIP it can be specified on how many meters the project height (0.00m = 550 meters above sea level) is. The display is updated via the Actualize button or move the text.

You could certainly optimize the tool, if you somehow manage to connect the text with the object. But for us it is enough as it is.

Greets KroVex


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