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Wall clipping to roof not working

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Working on a 1 1/2 storey house - some walls clipped to the underside of the roof and others will not, no matter what I seem to try.

there are the main peaked roofs with gable ends and windows, which I created as walls with windows, and there are peaked and shed dormers as well, which I also did the same way.

(mainly because I am not that proficient).

The upper corners of the walls stick out past the roof, and in the gables there is a gap above the wall to the top underside of the peak.

I can't even fake a presentation with 2D annotations, without a ton of work.

I have a feeling it's in the wall or roof settings but ???

I work with layer wall heights and layer elevations, etc and not stories. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

roof wall clipping problem.pdf

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Hello. I have found the wall fit tool to be extremely useful. It is however quite sensitive and if you ask it to do what it regards as illogical things it has a tantrum! For example if the wall to be clipped sticks out too far (or even beyond) beyond the roofs above, the wall will not reshape. Sometimes if the wall sticks up well above the roofs it will also not reshape. Hope that helps. A little time spent prepping the walls in advance still takes a lot of the pain away!

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thanks very much!

I'll have to try to put the windows in the "show wall" part of the gable then?

the really weird thing is that it worked for some and not others that were done the same.

some went right up to the roof within the gable, and some left the gap over the layer wall height but fit the slopes....

then there are those with the corners sticking up....

but there must be some binary difference that the program reads that I can't find.


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yes its confused as the sides of your wall are no where near either the roofs. Sometimes you get lucky and it can be a bit "predictive" but its best to get the wall in position length and height. Its easier having the wall lower than the roof height and within reason it will fit the wall to the roofs. 

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image.thumb.png.146d1f4d0efe39546a404bff6a5be38d.pngso for example, my client has decided he wants a real tricky rooflight where these 2 roofs join (thanks!) so I need to build 4 walls above the internal flat ceiling. VW thinks I'm stupid (and I am!) as I'm asking the wall to reshape itself but its part embedded in the roof and it doesnt understand what I'm trying to do and wont reshape. But it will if I foreshorten the wall so its not embedded in the roof object. @niagara designer

Edited by David S
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thanks very much David S. and Zoomer.


I tried various ways with a basic rectangular sample wall/roof, using your ideas and more:

wall well below roof, walls almost touching, bearing inset 6", bearing inset 0", creating roof based on walls (which is supposed to automatically clip walls), creating roof separately and picking walls to associate....disassociating, making changes to the wall specs, new wall style....etc, trying again.

PDF attached shows a perfect 6" bearing inset using a main floor wall rather than 2nd floor wall,  but would not perform wall clip function.

I'm wondering if there is some setting or definition in the walls/roof/ layers that are affecting this and preventing wall clipping to work.


also, with this 1.5 storey,  the roof rafters bear on the floor slab,  the same as the bottom of the upstairs walls (vs a partial wall then the roof slope).

so since I can't shorten the walls, I would need to make the floor lower as you suggested Zoomer...and hope the association holds. if I ever can get one in the first place.

I also tried to use the main floor walls instead, to achieve this. and nope.


nothing is working. holy frustration.

deadline tonight.... appreciate your time and help so far. 


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are you using the fit walls to objects tool (in AEC) and (just to rule it in or out) telling the walls to join to objects (roofs) on the same or different design layers? (assuming they are on a different design layer?) (or same)  Thats the easier tool (I found the wall association one a bit difficult!)

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