Hello everyone !
DId anyone here already experienced problems trying to add extrude along path solid with anything else inside VectorScript ?
If i create an Extrude Along Path solid (via createcustomobjectpath('Extrude Along Path', hpath, profile); and then try to add the resulted solid with anything else (say, spheres...)
using DoMenuTextbyName('Solid Operations',1); or with AddSolid() ... it doesn;t work ...
The weird thing is that if i try to get the resulted solid
Two potential issues, both arising out of the fact that the script generating the EAP doesn't actually execute until after your script finishes, so using a menu command will look for selected objects, and that the time you call the menu, the object doesn't exist yet.
In general, avoid DoMenuText in favor of vs commands that accept handles. Using AddSolid() should work better for you: http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/VS:AddSolid
A solid addition is essentially a