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trouble with script to set perspective view & OpenGL

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I'd been using a script with VW2017 and VW2018 that set the view to normal perspective and the render mode to OpenGL, in part because I'd found that if you activated the flyover tool while inside a group, the default view and render mode were ignored, and also because there's a small lag before you can use the SpaceNavigator 3D mouse after activating the flyover tool. The script worked great in '17 and '18, but now I'm getting this error with it in VW2019:

 Error on line=3: PERSPECTIVEOPENGL DOMENUTEXTBYNAME – Menu cannot be found. Projection.

Here's the script: 

PROCEDURE PerspectiveOpenGL;
DoMenuTextByName('OpenGL Render Chunk',1);
SetPref (1320,False);
SetPrefReal (127,6.0);
RUN (PerspectiveOpenGL);

Any help is appreciated – thanks!




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