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'Wall Styles' to reflect real-world construction

Amorphous - Julian


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
2 hours ago, Kevin C said:

Closures occassionaly deciding not to show / wall components randomly disappearing / internal and external views not showing components etc.


A lot of these cases have been resolved but, if you see the issue happen again in 2024 Update 4.1, please let us know and include a file with the issue if you can.

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Not quite comfortable with how forum works, but was interested in walls/components issue in this stream and found out a lot of "stuff" here. After calling VW Help/Support, I was told to add my request to update the Wall Style/OIP in kbase.  This forum stream is related to what I feel is a basic "miss" in the wall style OIP. Namely that I went to regularize my wall alignments (to aid in dimensioning) and was flabbergasted to find that the wall's X: and Y: dimensions are to the center of the wall, NOT to the center of the core which is defined in the wall style. That negates the opportunity to easily align all the (continuous) cores of the walls with various different surface finishes.

Suggestion:  ADD a drop-down in the OIP X: Y: area to allow the walls "center" to be defined by Wall center, Core Center or Core plus an Offset. Or. in the wall style add a choice for "Dimension to:" so we can align our core structure.

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