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Marionette and Project Sharing Issues


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does anyone ever used a marionette object in conjunction with project sharing? I created a text object, that reads out the space name, space area and some other parameters and displays it. So far it works well, but as soon as it's integerated into project sharing it breaks. Somehow the connections between the nodes get corrupted.


That's how it's supposed to look like. It's a variation of the object created by DomC. (Thx btw. :))



That's how the network looks after inserting into a project file. Everything fine.632651266_Bildschirmfoto2018-08-06um13_13_10.thumb.png.5f90ae6f1564936c152a69f95c95115f.png

Thats how it looks like in another working file after commiting the changes.


Does anyone have any clue or comments how to avoid that?








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