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Referenced DWG viewport classes turn off by themselves


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Hi all,


Does anyone have an idea why referenced DWG viewport classes turn off after updating the file link? The classes in the linked file have not changed, only the contents have been revised.


This happens with project sharing, at least.


After updating the link the DWG disappears, there is only a small red rectangle at the insertion point (usually origin) representing the viewport. Selecting this reveals in the OIP that all classes have turned off by themselves.


If I turn the classes on and update the project file, the classes will still be off for other users (of course, since class visibility is  a user setting). However, this affects sheet layer viewports as well since the referenced dwg viewport class control occurs at the DL viewport, not on a sheet layer.


Therefore, updating a DWG link will cause any dwg information to disappear in all related sheet layer viewports as well.









Edited by JMR
Edited the title to describe the issue better
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Wasn't there a setting for referencing by viewport that it uses the

class visibilities from that file instead of own VP visibilities ?

I think I once used that successfully.


I can't remember problems with visibilities in the past.

But I never reference DWG's directly, I import them all in a single

VW transfer file which I finally reference.


That way I can partially reload updated DWGs by keeping my

tediously done VP settings, crops, locations and rotations.

(Sections, Elevations)

Updated DWG geometry has to be moved/replaced into the

original Layer of the transfer file though, which was linked

to the VP before, to not need to redo VP settings.

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I have to check if I can find that setting, thanks.


Although the classes should already be on, both in the dwg file and in the vw file. These class visibilities have not been changed. At least not in an intentional way.



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  • 2 months later...

Yes we are  still using 2018 sp4. This issue occurred also with 2017, if I recall correctly also with 2016.


It seems nobody else is seeing this, deducing from the silence on the forum. This raises suspicions that we are doing something wrong...but what can that be.


Our version is not localised, it's the standard US version we use in the metric system.



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  • 8 months later...

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