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Spaces from List - Editing an existing Marionette Script

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Very new to this, so apologies if the description is not precise enough.


Currently using the Marionette script 'Spaces from List’.

Using it to convert an Architecture Competition Room Program (Excel sheet) into VW ‘Rooms’ labelled with Room name, Room number and Area. (there are 850 rooms)

It works.

However, now I would like to add an additional piece of information ‘Room Area type’.

As I understand I must add additional Column in the Vectorworks Table and also an additional Node in the equation?

So far no success.


Can anyone shed some light on this ?


Thanks a lot. 




Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 11.56.24.png

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1. The Input Wrapper automatically will detect the new row and read it out. So create your additional row

Maybe disconnect from space creation to get faster testing. Use pass node and "bug" method to see, what data flowing through the wires. Also goot hint is to place some valve nodes to divide the network and to not execute parts of it.

2. The "Unnest List" Node will return the additional row at e3

3. To Attach that values to the space, use the "Set Record Field". Record Name is 'Space' Field Name you can find out with a Worksheet from one of your space object.

I think you want to have '11_Occupant'

4. Maybe try first to input ONE Space with the Name input and set the record field to see, if that works. Maybe you have to reset the space first. It's a popup field so this could maybe fail first try. 





Set Record.png

New Row output.png

Edited by DomC
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Hey Antonio, hey Dominic,


Gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, einen Raummultiplikator einzubauen, heisst es gibt einen Raum zum Beispiel mehrfach in einer Liste.


Also hier zum Beipiel sollen es 1 Lagerraum mit 9qm geben, 2 Ruheräume mit 18qm, 3 Duschen mit 16qm und 3 Umkleiden mit 12qm.


#15    Lagerraum    1x      9qm
#16    Ruheraum     2x     18qm
#17    Duschen       3x     6qm
#18    Umkleiden    3x     12qm


Danke im Voraus

Mathias aus Dresden

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You can repeat the Wires by the value of Multiplier. The Best point is to multiply at the beginning, where are not so many wires yet. So just repeating the lines by Multiplier. Also Create some new Numbers for the space.

I will upload the example to the other File in the gallery

1. In the Configuration Window, the first column A is ignored (original Space Numbers, which will not work for the space anymore very good)
2. Second Column B of my file is "11_Space Name Cust". Do not choose anything else there
3. Column C is connected to column out1 which is the space are.


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