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Optional Dialog for Menu Item?

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I am working on a script for a menu item. 


I would like to be able to open a dialog box to change a parameter if I am holding down a key (preferably OPTION) when selecting the menu item. I can't get this to work reliably.


Occasionally it will work and when it works it will normally keep working on repeated runs. But then sometimes it won't work and it won't work repeatedly. I can't figure out the pattern of when it works and when it doesn't.


Any ideas? Any better solutions than what I have below?


At the top of my script I currently have:


    If OPTION then 
            N3:=IntDialog('Enter Number of Groups (Max. 10)',Num2Str(0,NumGroups));

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Still hoping for a better solution, but for now the following seems to work:  Option by itself does not seem to trigger properly, but combined with AUTOKEY it does.


            N3:=IntDialog('Enter Number of Groups (Max. 10)',Num2Str(0,NumGroups));

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