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How to set a pluginObject to transparent


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When in the OpenGL render mode: I have some trouble with selecting objects that are behind or in the middle of a PluginObject written in C++.

This problem doesn't occur in Vectorscript.

The blocking object itself containts a transparent extrusion, but It doesn't seems to be transparent itself.

I didn't found a way to set the PluginObject itself to transparent other than changing it from class.


In other words: I'm looking for some function that can almost any object transparent and not just 2D poly's.

 like with gSDK->SetFillPat(rect,0);



What I forgot to mention is that at first my extrusion was made transparent just by assigning a class that was set to no fill, this wasn't enough to solve my needs.


Edited by Nebeor
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Are you selecting objects manually or as part of a tool. If manual, you can always hold down the B key to enter into X-Ray mode, a temporary wireframe. You can also turn off occluded selection in 3D preferences. If you are coding the selection process, you can toggle the preference via code. 


3D transparency is accomplished with textures, usually best if you want something to appear translucent. If you want the object to behave as if it were not a solid, I would create it with NURBS outlines rather than as an extrude. (Leave the NURBS as curves — do not combine or loft them into a surface). That will give you snappable, unfilled 3D geometry. 

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