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Web View Low res images!

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I don't think there's a way to solve this at the moment if you're hosting the model on the NV servers. All of the textures are downsampled to the same resolution. If you host the model on your own computer or your own website, you can manually go into the Webview folder and up-res the texture images.


I think this has been wish listed for the future.



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Ben Wingrove 

We already have a fix available for this problem in Vectorworks 2019. Due to the nature of the changes required, we may not be able to fix this in a 2018 Service Pack. I have a suggestion that might work for you. If you are using Vectorworks Cloud Services and the mobile app - Nomad, you can view the full resolution textures in the following way:

- Upload the .vwx file to the cloud and generate a 3D model from it.

- After the 3D model is generated, you will see a .vgx file named the same way as the vwx file, but do not use this one. 

- Tap on the .vwx file from the Nomad app

- You will see the textures with full resolution. I attached two screenshot to show you the difference in the texture quality when viewing the .vgx file vs when you use the .vwx file. You can also hide/show layers by using this method of viewing. 


Please let me know if you are not familiar with this process and I can provide more details.



Iskra Nikolova


When the vgx file is viewed in Nomad:



When the 3D model is viewed by tapping on the .vwx file in Nomad:


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  • 8 months later...

@inikolova I have not yet figured out the photo to 3d model process and I was wondering if there is a tutorial that could take me through the steps?


I also don't understand the cloud model generating feature. I have multiple "schemes" in my file. Using Vectorworks on my desktop, I can pick and choose which layers, clases, etc. I want to see in my model, but in the cloud services there is NO control over the model that is generated? Am I missing a major step? How do I control how the model is generated in the cloud services folder? If I can't control/customize it, what use is it?

Edited by Ian M.
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @Ian M.,

This is the Help article about the Photos to 3D model: https://cloud.vectorworks.net/portal/help/pages/generate-3d-models-from-photos/?app=WEB

This is the Help article about the 3D model generation on the cloud: https://cloud.vectorworks.net/portal/help/pages/generate-3d-models-from-vwx-files/?app=WEB

This is the article that explains how to control the model that is generated on the cloud: https://cloud.vectorworks.net/portal/help/pages/prepare-vwx-files-for-cloud-processing/?app=VECTORWORKS#


Note that some of the articles have more than one tab that you can switch to, to provide you content for the platform that you are interested in - Web refers to the Vectorworks Cloud Services website, Android and iOS refer to the Nomad mobile apps.


For the last article, I'd like to clarify that the cloud server always does "Fit to objects" before exporting the web view, so setting a specific perspective view locally won't result in the same initial view for the web view when processed on the cloud. If you want to have a specific initial view of the web view, which doesn't have the entire model within the screen boundary, we recommend that you do the web view locally and then upload the .vgx file to the cloud. This is something I have planned to add to this article with the next documentation updates.


Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Iskra Nikolova



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