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hidden line renderings not finished in 11

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I've noticed that my hidden line renderings are not complete in VW11, either in viewport mode or on design layers. The renderings will leave several objects in wireframe. I'm working on a G5 dual processor 1.8 w/ a gig of ram, so I doubt the computer is to blame. Besides, I used to use a G4 w/ about half the performance capability. In some instances I've rendered the exact same model from a previous file that I used on the G4, and gotten a less finished rendering. Is there something I'm missing?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


Originally posted by grantvz:

I've noticed that my hidden line renderings are not complete in VW11, either in viewport mode or on design layers.

If you have smallish examples you can send my way, I'd like to take a look at them. The only known issue I have (and have fixed for our next release) is an issue with viewing certain objects in perspective views, so if your renderings are orthogonal, I'd like to see them.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


Originally posted by Adam E:

I have a small sample... how can I send to you?

Send it to me at the e-mail address below. Is the problem with two instances of the same symbol, with the front one not hiding the rear? Just after I sent my initial response, I remembered that there's also that issue. Again, it'll be fixed in our next update, and my apologies for the inconvenience. (If that's the case with your sample file, it's probably fixed, but you can send it to me and I'll verify that it will be fixed.)

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I know, I thought of this too. But I build everything the same way, starting with a default fill, and progressing into 3d from there. I even have cases of instances of the same symbol not being rendered properly, while others in the same rendering do render properly.

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