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Open GL turns dark in one layer


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I use open GL and wireframe to have a quick look on how the project is in 3D.

The model turns dark when I turn on one of the layesr and turns light again if I turn it off.

Is there a setting I am missing?

There is a heliodon in the file, but not on any layers turned on.

If I turn it on it makes the model light again.

Its 2018 SP2.




Open GL




Open GL with layer that makes it dark



Open GL with "dark" and heliodon layer turned on




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Hmmh ...



I have never seen Layers marked in blue in my navigation palette !?

Is this a Windows Special and what does it mean ?

Like Symbols have different colors when 2D/3D/... ?



You can set individual Renderworks Background to a Layer,

but shouldn't that influence the Active Layer only ?

You did not change Active Layer between dark/bright,

you just set an additional Layer to visible.



Why is there light in the first example when the Heliodon's Layer

(Traer ?) is OFF ?

Edited by zoomer
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The issue was solved by the Norwegian distributer Scott. Thanks Scott!

As simpel as a "light" was left on the layer that turned dark and over rides the Open GL render.

So no bug :) Just user fault 



a) layer is blue because of project sharing. It means I have the layer checked out. It also on Mac.

c) its standard open GL quick render that as I understood gives a general light to the whole model



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Ok I got it,

there was another (weak) light beside the Heliodon.

Your bright images had either default lighting, when Heliodon off, or Heliodon lighting.

But if you activate that layer with that additional Light, it switches off default lighting

and gets dark because that light is weak or shines to somewhere else.

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