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Encrypt or lock down marionette?

RDS Casa

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Doe anyone know if its possible to encrypt or lock a marionette object so it can't be broken by other users? I see its possible to convert the marionette network into a python script. This would be fine, but how do I then take this script, and have it as a parametric object within vectorworks? am I missing a step, or can this just not be done?





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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...
On 5/8/2020 at 1:02 PM, Max_ said:



Three years later, someone knows if something has changed in the meantime? Ispossible to encrypt or lock a marionette object so it can't be broken by other users?





And again some time... is it now possible?

I ask for a friend...;)

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