DomC Posted November 7, 2017 Share Posted November 7, 2017 (edited) Hi Anyone got the PIL Auto-Library-Installer got to work with 2018? I am testing with this Python-Vectorscript on Mac Sierra: #Python Script import Marionette PillowPath = '' Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib('PIL', PillowPath) I think maybe this installer package is not for sierra ... A strange thing happens, if I run the script (Or run it in a Marionette Node, it's the same): My Vectorworks starts a 2nd time while the original Vectorworks freezes All other other tested Packages works fine: ShapelyPath = '' matplotlibPath = '' Also Scipy, Numpy Why of all things "Pillow" :-( Is there any alternative? Edited November 7, 2017 by DomC Quote Link to comment
Member Chih-Pin Posted November 11, 2017 Member Share Posted November 11, 2017 Have you tried python -m pip install pillow? If successfully installed, you can see what version of pillow it tried to install. Quote Link to comment
DomC Posted November 12, 2017 Author Share Posted November 12, 2017 Hi Thanks for Input. I can install PIL from external python package. Even I can copy/paste PIL 3.0.0 from my 2017 user Folder and it works. I think embedded python version in 2018 is 3.5 .. So far it makes no sense to use external moduls in Marionette nodes if users have to install them manually. The task is to check and install the module inside the node with the embedded python. I am sure, there are ways to do the installation with a subprocess or by changing something in the Function or by updating something inside the embedded python. An installer routine for external python modules in Marionette nodes is something, which already exists. I tried with some options like '--verbose' (detailed error log) etc. from the PIP Documentation here: Could be everything. From a user Error (wrong package, wrong url) over a Bug in PIL, an Installer Bug to a Vectorworks incompatibility ... I played around with the Marionette Module checker (With this code as a simple Script it do not crash and I was able to play around with some parameters) I think I should stop investing my time for that issue. The Error log: The most interesting code line: ret_code = pip.main(['install', appuserfldr + downloadedfile, '--target', cmd ]) The Module Installer: import vs from collections import OrderedDict import operator import copy import os, sys, subprocess, urllib.request, importlib, logging exit_code = False appfolder = vs.GetFolderPath(1) appuserfldr = vs.GetFolderPath(12) cmd = 'Python Externals' missngLibURL = '' #missngLibURL = '' missingLib = 'PIL' # if sys.platform == 'win32': cmd = appuserfldr + cmd elif sys.platform == 'darwin': pos = appfolder.find(':') appfolder = appfolder[pos:] appfolder = appfolder.replace(':','/') pos = appuserfldr.find(':') appuserfldr = appuserfldr[pos:] appuserfldr = appuserfldr.replace(':','/') cmd = appuserfldr + cmd if not os.path.exists(cmd): os.makedirs(cmd) sys.path.append(cmd) try: try: importlib.import_module(missingLib) exit_code = True except ImportError: #show dialog here question = 'Python module ' + missingLib + ' is not installed. Would you like to download and install it now?' res = vs. AlertQuestion(question,'', 1,'','','','') if res == 1 : if sys.platform == 'win32': piploc = 'Python33\Scripts\pip.exe' pathpip = 'Python33\Scripts' cdpath = os.path.join(appfolder, pathpip) cmdpip = os.path.join(appfolder, piploc) wd = os.getcwd() if os.path.exists(cmd) and os.path.exists(cmdpip): os.chdir(cdpath) ret_code =[cmdpip, 'install', missngLibURL, '-t', cmd ]) if ret_code > 0: vs.AlrtDialog('Module ', missingLib, ' cannot be downloaded.'); exit_code = False else: exit_code = True sys.path.append(cmd) os.chdir(wd) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': import pip import urllib.request pos1 = missngLibURL.rfind('/') pos2 = missngLibURL.rfind('whl') downloadedfile = missngLibURL[pos1+1:pos2] downloadedfile = downloadedfile+'whl' urllib.request.urlretrieve(missngLibURL, appuserfldr + downloadedfile) #vs.Message(str(downloadedfile)) ret_code = pip.main(['install', appuserfldr + downloadedfile, '--target', cmd ]) # original Line ret_code = pip.main(['install', appuserfldr + downloadedfile, '-q', '--target', cmd ]) if ret_code > 0: vs.AlrtDialog('Module ', missingLib, ' cannot be downloaded.'); exit_code = False else: exit_code = True sys.path.append(cmd) else: exit_code = False except: pass Quote Link to comment
Marionette Maven Marissa Farrell Posted November 13, 2017 Marionette Maven Share Posted November 13, 2017 '' The above path is the path I have been using for Mac. My Mac is giving me a hard time right now, but might be worth trying this path instead? Hopefully I can get my computer running well enough to double check. Quote Link to comment
DomC Posted November 13, 2017 Author Share Posted November 13, 2017 Quote The above path is the path I have been using for Mac. Negative ... I use Vectorworks 2018 SP1 German Version. Mac OSX 10.12.6. Same issue with the above url. Quote Link to comment
relume Posted March 29, 2018 Share Posted March 29, 2018 (edited) Hello I wanted to install the "pandas" library and found problems using the Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib() function but also with the above script from DomC that is similar to the Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib() function. Further for both functions/scripts an URL to a specific version of library to be installed is needed. But pip.main() has the possibility to get the right library version for the VectorWorks Python environment (acutally in VW2018 is 3.5.2). I was able to install the library "numpy" with the following command : pip.main(['install', 'numpy', '--target', vPathToMy_VW_PythonExternals_Folder]) But this did not work for the library "pandas" as the appropriate pip.main() command rised an error saying that there is no correct matching version. But by passing an "-q" parameter "pandas" installs correctly: pip.main(['install', 'numpy', '-q', '--target', vPathToMy_VW_PythonExternals_Folder]) Then I tried also to install "pillow" and it installed also correctly (version 5.0.0) with all dependencies. But there is some problem with probing for correct installation. While the lib distribution is called "pillow", the name to retrieve it with pip.main(), testing the existence and for importing the lib has to be named "PIL". For this reason Morionette.VeriyOrGetLib() does not work. So the installed lib "pillow" has to be tested and imported by: importlib.import_module('PIL') So a script that encompass this problem could be as this: import os import sys import importlib import vs appfolder = vs.GetFolderPath(1) appuserfldr = vs.GetFolderPath(12) cmd = 'Python Externals' if (sys.platform == 'darwin'): pos = appfolder.find(':') appfolder = appfolder[pos:] appfolder = appfolder.replace(':','/') pos = appuserfldr.find(':') appuserfldr = appuserfldr[pos:] appuserfldr = appuserfldr.replace(':','/') cmd = appuserfldr + cmd vs.AlrtDialog("path : " + cmd) if not os.path.exists(cmd): os.makedirs(cmd) #libToimport = 'numpy' #libToimport = 'pandas' libToimport = 'pillow' libToimportAlias = 'PIL' try: importlib.import_module(libToimportAlias) except ImportError: import pip pip.main(['install', '--upgrade', '-q', libToimport, '--target', cmd ]) importlib.import_module(libToimportAlias) try: importlib.import_module(libToimportAlias) exit_code = True vs.AlrtDialog('is installed : '+ libToimport) except ImportError: vs.AlrtDialog('not installed : '+ libToimport) Best regards P.S. And not to forget to reference the python search path to "~/Library/Applications Support/VectorWorks/.../Python Externals" Edited March 29, 2018 by relume Quote Link to comment
DomC Posted November 28, 2019 Author Share Posted November 28, 2019 (edited) Hi This thread is a little older. I just had to install pandas and it worked with the following script (VW 2020). Not tested on Windows. Newer Versions of pandas maybe possible but some of them requires python 3.5.3 and we have 3.5.2 embedded in Vectorworks import sys import Marionette import platform import os Usr = vs.GetFolderPath(-12) (major, minor, maintenance, platform, buildNum) = vs.GetVersionEx() if platform == 1: Path = Usr + 'temp/tempImg.png' else: Path = Usr + 'temp\\tempImg.png' vs.AlrtDialog(str(sys.version)) if platform == 2: pandas = '' else: pandas = '' if Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib('pandas', pandas): pass else: vs.AlrtDialog('Modul pandas ist bereits installiert') Edited November 28, 2019 by DomC 2 Quote Link to comment
relume Posted March 7, 2020 Share Posted March 7, 2020 (edited) Hello I am wondering if there is any documentation for the Marionette function "Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib()" with its posssible parameters. I am wondering if it is possible to get an lib/module and a specific Version with "Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib()" as with pip (e.g. pip.main('install', '--upgrade', 'dateutil>=2.5.0') thus not passing a specific ressource URL? I have the problem that for some python lib/modules (e.g. pyspatial or rtree) the pip.main() approach does not work, as on installing those libs/moduls a call is started an therefore a new instance of is started. see my other topic (installing-modules-from-within-a-script) : I am sorry for crosspointing. Many thanks, relume Edited March 7, 2020 by relume Quote Link to comment
PatW Posted March 7, 2020 Share Posted March 7, 2020 Here is the implementation from the def VerifyOrGetLib(missingLib, missingLibURL): # try to install user's package exit_code = False appfolder = vs.GetFolderPath(1) appuserfldr = vs.GetFolderPath(12) cmd = 'Python Externals' cmd = appuserfldr + cmd if not os.path.exists(cmd): os.makedirs(cmd) try: try: importlib.import_module(missingLib) exit_code = True except ImportError: #show dialog here question = 'Python module ' + missingLib + ' is not installed. Would you like to download and install it now?' res = vs. AlertQuestion(question,'', 1,'','','','') if res == 1 : if sys.platform == 'win32': piploc = 'Python35\Scripts\pip3.exe' pathpip = 'Python35\Scripts' cdpath = os.path.join(appfolder, pathpip) cmdpip = os.path.join(appfolder, piploc) wd = os.getcwd() if os.path.exists(cmd) and os.path.exists(cmdpip): os.chdir(cdpath) ret_code =[cmdpip, 'install', missingLibURL, '-t', cmd ]) if ret_code > 0: vs.AlrtDialog('Module ', missingLib, ' cannot be downloaded.') exit_code = False else: exit_code = True sys.path.append(cmd + '\\') os.chdir(wd) vs.AlrtDialog('Module ', missingLib, ' has been successfully installed.') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': import pip import shlex pos1 = missingLibURL.rfind('/') pos2 = missingLibURL.rfind('whl') downloadedfile = missingLibURL[pos1+1:pos2] +'whl' destination = appuserfldr + downloadedfile command_line = "curl -o " + '\"' + destination + '\"' + " "+ missingLibURL args = shlex.split(command_line) ret_code = if ret_code == 0: sys_executable_orig = sys.executable sys.executable = '/usr/bin/python' ret_code = pip.main(['install', destination,'-q','--target', cmd]) sys.executable = sys_executable_orig if ret_code > 0: vs.AlrtDialog('Module ', missingLib, ' cannot be installed.') exit_code = False else: vs.AlrtDialog('Module ', missingLib, ' has been successfully installed.') exit_code = True else: vs.AlrtDialog('Module ', missingLib, ' cannot be installed.') exit_code = False sys.path.append(cmd+'/') else: exit_code = False except: pass return exit_code regards, patrick Quote Link to comment
relume Posted March 10, 2020 Share Posted March 10, 2020 (edited) Hello Patrick I am sorry to respond only today to your posting. Many thanks for posting the "Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib()" implementation. I previously searched in vain for the Marionette lib/package inside the VectorWorks package (MacOS version). Where did you found the file? It is remarkable, that they use for the installation of modules for the MacOS/darwin plattform not the python distro that is installed inside the VectorWorks package but the standard python installation : sys.executable = '/usr/bin/python' ret_code = pip.main(['install', destination,'-q','--target', cmd]) sys.executable = sys_executable_orig On my MacOSX 10.14.6 system "/usr/bin/python" shows version 2.7.16. VectorWorks 2020 has installed version 3.5.2. Furthermore now it became clear to me why installing the modul by pip with an subproccess call and using the value of "sys.executable" did not work and opened a new instance of VectorWorks On the MacOS/darwin plattform "sys.executable" does not hold the path of the internal python installation but the VectorWorks itself: /Applications/Vectorworks 2020/Vectorworks For that reason I tried to call directly the internal (VectorWorks python installation to work with it and to have the corresponding python version for installing appropriate modules. But it seems that the internal python installation is not callable and executable: dyld: Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/Python Referenced from: /Applications/Vectorworks 2020/Vectorworks Reason: image not found The call by "'...../bin/python3.5-32', '--version') results for all python bins to "image not found". So I have to assume that for VectorWorks 2020 on the MacOS/darwin plattform the internal python installation and thus the pyhton image (binary) is somewhat "hiden" or maybe compiled into a VectorWorks package (?). For that reason I installed finally for MacOS/darwin with homebrew an appropriate python 3.5.X installation which is then linked and callable to: /usr/local/bin/python3.5 or /usr/local/bin/pip3.5 thus now I have modified my own modul installation function in order also to use on the MacOS/darwin plattform the now standard subprocess function "" that replace all other previous subprocess functions: vVW_AppUserPy_folder = vs.GetFolderPath(12).replace(':','/') + 'Python Externals' vPython_path = '/usr/local/bin/' vPython_pip_path = vPython_path + 'pip3.5' vModule_version = '>=2.5.0' # vModule_version can be passed to pip directly behind the module name vModule_version = '' vCommand = [vPython_pip_path , 'install', '--upgrade', '-v', vModule+vModule_version, '--target', vVW_AppUserPy_folder] vPip_proc =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) vPip_proc_exit_code = vPip_proc.returncode vPip_proc_sdtout = vPip_proc.stdout.decode('utf-8') vPip_proc_sdterr = vPip_proc.stderr.decode('utf-8') best regards Edited March 10, 2020 by relume Quote Link to comment
PatW Posted March 10, 2020 Share Posted March 10, 2020 2 hours ago, relume said: Many thanks for posting the "Marionette.VerifyOrGetLib()" implementation. I previously searched in vain for the Marionette lib/package inside the VectorWorks package (MacOS version). Where did you found the file? No problem, you can find it in <VW Programfolder>\Plug-Ins\Marionette.vwr\Scripts\. Just open the VWR with a zip program like 7Zip. 1 Quote Link to comment
Walter Rojas Posted March 26, 2023 Share Posted March 26, 2023 (edited) The path to Marionette.vwr, container of in which in turn resides the definition of VerifyOrGetLib(), in Vectorworks 2023 (VW2023) for Mac is: /Applications/Vectorworks 2023/Plug-Ins/Marionette.vwlibrary/Contents/Resources/Marionette.vwr Edited March 26, 2023 by Walter Rojas Punctuation Quote Link to comment
Antonio Landsberger Posted March 27, 2023 Share Posted March 27, 2023 Since Vectorworks 2023 there is a new way to use python third party libraries. See also: Please have a look at this. 1 Quote Link to comment
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