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Hi all,


Unfortunately I didn't go far with my idea to make a new plug-in object. I needed totally simple 2d symbol for a door in which thickness of door frame could be changed. Then I realized that maybe door size could be customizable. I have a task to redraw old scanned plans and most of the doors are 90cm but wall thicknesses differ. I used to make a dynamic block in Autocad and it would take 10 minutes to do it, but VW process of doing something like that left me speechless. Do I really have to master Python to do it?


Other option is to make 10 different symbols and insert them as necessary, but somehow i considered that move quite retrograde.


So, to cut the standard lament over the functionality of Autocad and improvisation skills that VW requires, does someone have 2D door plug-in symbol to share. There was one on VectorDepo site but link is not working...




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Unfortunately, that doesent help. 

I would like to have a symbol that i can insert and if later necessary change. At the moment client would like only linear representation of a door, but later he might ask for more detailed, etc. thats the point of having a symbol. Change once and all instances update. Same with the wall thickness...


thx anyway

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What you want is a styled door.  Prior to 2017 you use to make a door with various properties and populate your plans with it but there was one problem, if you wanted to change something to that door and make it apply to all instances you had to select them all and make the change or do it one at a time.  2017 comes along and we now have Door Styles.  Kind of like a symbol but really a genuine resource.  You can now choose what will be part of the style or just an instance.  So for your purposes you could have several different doors for various circumstances or one door that has the jamb set to us the wall depth and lock that or leave it open for you to change for each door as you see fit.


Check out this video.   Also have  a look at the help section under Door Styles




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